Alex Jones

0 Views · 16 hours ago

⁣Deep State Planning To Consolidate Control By Triggering Civil Unrest / Civil War! Alex Jones Has Their Battle Plan & Knows How To Stop Them! — FULL SHOW 7/25/24

⁣Farmers worldwide are being paid 2x what they would make from the crops to not grow anything on 10 year contracts.

⁣Farmers worldwide are being paid to buy seed grain and feed it to the deer or the birds.

⁣BASF has no gas for the haber process to make fertilizer.. 35% less fertilizer worldwide.

⁣Higher food prices coming. Starvation in Africa.

0 Views · 2 days ago

⁣Major New Developments In Trump Assassination Attempt Investigation! Plus, MSM Claims Kamala Harris Was Never a Border Czar! — FULL SHOW 7/24/24

0 Views · 3 days ago

⁣Secret Service Director Grilled In Congress As Top Sniper In The World Says Trump Attack Was An Inside Job

0 Views · 4 days ago

⁣Full Must-Watch Show: Trump Hires Private Security As Pentagon Confirms Deep State Plot Against 45 - FULL SHOW - 07/21/2024

0 Views · 7 days ago

⁣Friday Emergency Broadcast! As Alex Jones Predicted, The Biggest Cyber Outage In History Followed The Assassination Attempt Against Trump! Jones Explains Why He Believes The Deep State Is Behind It & What’s Coming Next! — FULL SHOW 7/19/24

1 Views · 8 days ago

⁣⁣WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Expert Breaks New Intel on Leftist Investment Firm Placing 12 Million Short Positions Against Trump’s Truth Social Days Before Assassination Attempt — FULL SHOW 7/18/24

0 Views · 9 days ago

⁣EMERGENCY BROADCAST:Secret Service Director’s “Sloped Roof” Excuse Collapses As Experts Raise Alarm of Deep State Coverup — FULL SHOW 7/17/24

0 Views · 11 days ago

⁣Trump Confirms VP Announcement TODAY As Liberty Movement Demands Answers For Security Vulnerabilities at Rally

2 Views · 11 days ago

⁣Globalists Planning To Hit Trump With Truck Bombs, Poisoning, And Electromagnetic Weapons 15 July 2024

0 Views · 12 days ago

⁣The Deep State Must Surrender Now 14 July 2024

0 Views · 12 days ago

⁣Desperate Deep State Will Try To Assassinate Trump Again 14 July 2024

0 Views · 14 days ago

⁣Democrats Officially Ask Biden To Drop Out After Disastrous Big Boy Press Conference, Elon Musk Exposes Secret EU Plot To Censor The World 12 July 2024

1 Views · 14 days ago

⁣Russia Vows Military Response To NATO Placing Long-Range Missiles In Europe ⁣ 11 july 2024

0 Views · 15 days ago

⁣NATO Officially Transfers F-16 Jets To Ukraine As Poland Mobilizes For Full War With Russia

1 Views · 28 days ago

⁣Post-Debate Coverage With Jack Posobiec And Charlie Kirk Watched By 12.5 Million, Must-Watch Censored Analysis — FULL SHOW 6/28/24

1 Views · 28 days ago

⁣DHS Whistleblower - Two Trillion Dollar Corruption by Mayorkis, Construction Of Internment Camps for Maga supporters for two million people, Massive Child Sex Trafficking Rings 28th june 2023

2 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Alex Jones Breaks Exclusive Intel on Liberation of WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange! Plus, Democrats Announce Plan For TOTAL Amnesty For Illegal Aliens! — FULL SHOW 6/25/24

2 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Kim Dotcom And Alex Jones Try To Stop Imminent Nuclear War 24 june 2024

⁣At least Farrage told us the truth about the start of the War - the CIA did a colour revolution in Ukraine in 2014 and then provoked poked the bear so Putin would attack. Apparently the financial system is going tits up and this is their method of refinanancing their coffers by taking Russia as booty. Not working though and now they want the draft. 1 million people dead in the war so far and now they want a rerun of WW1.

⁣Putin's waiting for Trump to get in so we can have peace. Unless they put him in jail or assassinate him shades of JFK.

0 Views · 1 month ago

⁣World War III in Overdrive: Russian Sunbathers Slaughtered en Masse By 5 U.S. ATACM Missiles as Trump Takes Lead in Every Battleground State

0 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Biden Admin Destroying Middle Class As Americans Awaken To UN’s Great Replacement Plan 21 june 2024

Jay Dyer on Satanism

3 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Dr. David Martin joins Alex Jones live in-studio to break down howTexas is preparing criminal charges against Big Pharma.

⁣Dr. David Martin Evidence that the Deathvaxx is a bioweapon, that Bill Gates in his Ted Talk said with vaccines we can reduce the population by 10% = 800 million people dead!

WE know Fauci has been bought by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires but no one else, lies by ommission, is mentioning this fact.

⁣Dr. David Martin Evidence that Rand Paul puposely held back evidence that Fauci used Gain of Function because he has been bought, that he is a Gatekeeper.

⁣Dr. David Martin says thare are many bought people traitors who are promoting the lullaby that things are going well, that Trump did not know about the Deathvaxx when he signed it into law, that WHO has been defeated.

If you catch a Gatekeeper in one lie who knows what other lies they are spreading.

1 Views · 1 month ago

⁣States Preparing Criminal Charges Against Big Pharma In Response To Mass Vaccine Injury & Death!

Dr. David Martin Joins Alex Jones In-Studio To Discuss The Bombshell Developments

3 Views · 1 month ago

⁣CBDC, The Fall of the Petrodollar, Daniel Estulin Posthumanity - Feds Fail To Take Over InfoWars 15 June 2024

3 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Russell Brand Joins Alex Jones To Discuss Spiritual Warfare And The Future Of Humanity 13 june 2024

⁣I also have to warn you again about Russell Brand. The guy has some charisma, but he has been hired to control the opposition. He is not your friend. He is spouting a bunch of new-age
spiritual stuff like Jim Carrey, but it is the usual conjob. It is the attempt to capture my audience by channeling my spirit.pdf paper, but watering it down and flipping it. I have seen Alex Jones trying
to do that, too, breaking into spirituality sermons, but Brand is a bit better at it, just because he is prettier
and has a better vocal presentation. Brand gives himself away in every sermon, though, because all you have to is look at his tats, which are stridently Phoenician, including the number 33, as 3 is a bottom, 33 is Sodomy - the Phoenician Sodomy Ritual - the all-seeing eye tattooed is the Anus, and the word “ecstasy” tattooed above his pubes. You can't see that last one, admittedly, but he flashes the 33 all the time.

I also remind you of this article from Buzzfeed from ten years ago, entitled “29 good reasons
you should worship Russell Brand as a god”. Not
33 good reasons?

3 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Tucker Carlson Breaks The Internet In Powerful Interview With Alex Jones 13 June 2024

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Maria Zeee and Catherine Austin Fitts Exposes Digital Currency Globalist Banker Coup 12 June 2024

Australia makes a law mandating digital identity on the way to total slavery of the population.

3 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Hunter Biden Convicted On All Three Counts 11 June 2024

Maria Zeee and Catharine Austin Fitts on the slave landia created by CBDC's

Anti 5G clothing by MIA

2 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Nuclear War, Vaxxine injuries offerred MAID Alex Jones, Mikki Willis 7June2024

4 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Russian Government Officially Calls USA Enemy For First Time As NATO Bombs Rain Down Inside Russia 5June2024

Covid vaccine officially increases deaths

0 Views · 2 months ago

⁣The Last Alex Jones Broadcast From Infowars 3June2024

Victor Bout - the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires are a suicide cult who want to genocide all humanity.

0 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Infowars Is Still On Air But Could Be Shuttered Within 24 Hours 2June2024

8 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Weaponized Show Trial of Trump In NYC Has MASSIVELY Backfired, But The Deep State Has False Flag Cards Up Their Sleeve 31May2024
How Dune 2 Harkonnens mirror the Satanic Psychopathic nature of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who love to pedophile children and then torture them to death. ⁣Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires Kings and Presidents who love to eat in front of starving prisoners, torture victims, as they hang from the ceiling in cages.

8 Views · 2 months ago

⁣The Trump Verdict With Alex Jones & Brian Rose - 30May 2024
The Wrath of the Ents!

2 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Major Lawsuit Filed Against Obama Deep State Censorship System 29may2024
Google, Twitter, Facebook censoring, shadow banning on Government orders.

1 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Disease X Is Bioweapon, Warns Dr. Peter McCullough
Fauci prosecutiom
Who treaty
Excess deaths from Deathvaxx
Myocarditis. Cancer, bloodclots continue

1 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Putin Warns West Wants Nuclear War as Jury Begins Deliberations In Trump’s NY Show Trial 29 May 2024
⁣Major Lawsuit Filed Against Obama Deep State Censorship System by Mike Adams

⁣Disease X Is Here, Warns Dr. Peter McCullough, vaccine injuries, Who Treaty, excess deaths.

13 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Global Armageddon Alert NATO Officially Announces Plan to Send Troops to Ukraine to Fight Russia 28 May 2024

7 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Feds Propose National Draft, Trump Surges to All-Time High In Polls 27 may 2024

12 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Federal Agency Prepares for Return of Military Draft as NATO Announces Plans to Bomb Russia 26 may 2024

19 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Bilderberg Expert Daniel Estulin - The Globalist System Is Collapsing In Real Time 24 May 2024

1 Views · 2 months ago

⁣FBI Plan To Use Deadly Force Against Trump Blows Up In Deep States Face PLUS, More Globalists Resign After Klaus Schwab Leaves WEF

9 Views · 2 months ago

⁣China Launches Military Blockade of Taiwan, Flies Fighter Jets Loaded With Bombs Over Besieged Island 23 May 2024
Satanic Nano Tech aerosol injection of all humanity.
Famine genocide.
Satanic printed meat.

4 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Helicopter Crash Involving Iran President & Top Officials Sparks World War III Fears as Signs Point to Assassination Attempt 19 May 2024

12 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Weather Weapons Used Against Texans

Ukraine Announces TOTAL Mobilization

King Charles and Jimmy Saville

Total Satanic genocide Chinese Century takeover.

0 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Globalists Panic, Admit Persecution of Trump Political Fraudulent 13 May 2024

2 Views · 2 months ago

⁣NATO Operatives Prime Suspect In Attempted Assassination of Fico — Signals Major Escalation In War 16 May 2024

Posobiec - the start of WW3

The Baby Vaccine schedule KIlls Kids!!

17 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Dr. Naomi Wolf Joins Alex Jones And Exposes The Globalist Blueprint To End Humanity

17 Views · 2 months ago

⁣The Cure to the Deathvaxx - Dr Judy Mikovits Globalist Depopulation Operation Exposed By Covid Whistleblower

0 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Giant Solar Flares Approaching Earth - Is This A Carrington Event 10 May 2024

15 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Interview with Dr James Thorpe - 400 Billion Dollars paid by the Biden regime to 4000 hospital businesses USA wide for every doctor, EVERY DOCTOR! to be bribed AND THREATENED WITH LOSING THEIR LICENSE to recommend the Deathvaxx - Millions of people and babies dead, injured, genocided.
Legal Cases against these entities and doctors are now open with full evidence to win cases and prosecute these Nazi Doctors to the full extent of the law!
Nuremberg 2!

1 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Pandemic Hysteria Is Here Globalists Kick Bird Flu Propaganda Into High Gear To Ram Through UN Treaty & Derail Another Election 9 May 2024]
⁣Covid Shot Causes Highest Kill Rate In History - Warns Top Doctor. ⁣Alex Jones talks with Dr. James Thorp about the aftermath of the covid vaccine.

1 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Alex Jones & Nick Fuentes Discuss the Future of Free Speech In America & Worldwide 8 May 2024

Wakefield anti-vaxx movie. Trumps second term program to remove the deep state.

1 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Trump's Imprisonment for Exercising First Amendment 7th May 2024

⁣With interviews from Roger Stone, Kirk Elliot & more!

15 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Pfizer Head Says Cancer Is the New Covid After Injecting Billions With Compounds Confirmed to Cause Cancer 6May2024

0 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Civil War Imminent, Alex Jones Warns The Threat Is Real 5May2024

1 Views · 3 months ago

⁣The Civil War Has Begun— Discover The Globalist Kill List

3 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Alex Jones Has Confirmed That the Globalist Deep State Has Already Set In Motion Civil Unrest Leading to Civil War & Martial Law — We Can Stop This

1 Views · 3 months ago

⁣James O’Keefe Exposes CIA Coup Against America!
Dr. Robert Malone Lays Out Latest Covid Tyranny 22 million extra deaths with the latest insurence actuaries.

0 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Trump Threatened With PRISON For Exercising His 1st Amendment Right By Tyrant Judge In New York 30 April 2024
Dugin nails the woke Satanic Agenda with Tucker Carlson.
Roger Stone

7 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Humanity is Splitting into Two Distinct Groups — Learn the Secrets of What’s Happening and What’s Coming 23 April 2024
The censorship of X Elon Musk, by Brazil, EU, Australia, USA and Rumble and after them, the Deluge! Everyone else.
Tucker says Alex is a prophet!

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