Against Satanism

0 Views · 5 hours ago


1 Views · 1 day ago

⁣Maria Zeee Globalist Pandemic Plan Ahead Of Election

0 Views · 3 days ago

⁣America Is In An Undeclared National Emergency! The Unelected Deep State Has Successfully Executed A Coup Against The Executive Branch & Is Now Planning To Move Against Trump & The American People! — FULL SHOW 7/23/24

0 Views · 6 days ago

⁣Alex Jones Sends Urgent Warning From The Year 2084

1 Views · 10 days ago

⁣Demons, Robots, vampires, no heart, Energy Enhancement Meditation Against Satanism

0 Views · 10 days ago

⁣Speed Up! Your Process Energy Enhancement Meditation EE7 Speed up

3 Views · 10 days ago

⁣Remove Fear, Transmute Fear Energy Enhancement Meditation EE8 Transmute

2 Views · 10 days ago

Heart person has to leave the corrupt world - Get Out!

⁣I Was An MI⁣T Educated Neurosurgeon Now I m Unemployed And Alone In The Mountains How Did I Get Here

18 Views · 10 days ago

⁣Daniel Estulin, Ivan Raitkin, former US Army Special Operations Officer & Psychological Warfare Analyst Scott Bennett Joins Alex Jones To Raise Alarm Of Globalist Coup Against Americans — FULL SHOW 7/16/24
This Trump Assassination Attempt is by the Satanic Anglo-American Empire Rothschild Deep State who murdered JFK - This is the shot which is being heard all around the World. This is the Start of WW3. And they will not stop

Mayorkis - in charge of Secret Services - will Stand Down Security again. The Rothschilds will double down. They will poison Trump. They will car bomb Trump. They will try to kill him again. This is just the start.


3 Views · 10 days ago

⁣Energy Enhancement Meditation Transhumanism and Lucifer

0 Views · 10 days ago

⁣Energy Enhancement Meditation and Lucifer

0 Views · 10 days ago

⁣Energy Enhancement Meditation Streaming Video Course

4 Views · 11 days ago

⁣Energy Enhancement Meditation

1 Views · 11 days ago

⁣The Social Sexual Hierarchy SSH is a Continuation of the Roissy Chateau Heartiste and Roosh Psyop of the Tavistock "Men and Women are Pigs" Project to Designed to Destroy the Family.

0 Views · 13 days ago

⁣Jay Dyer - Kabbalism, The Ancient Egyptian Mysteries, And The Luciferian New World Order Religion 13 July 2024

1 Views · 14 days ago

⁣George Papadopoulos Deep State War against Trump, Biden And Obama Locked In Blackmail War, Says Trump Insider 12 July 2024

0 Views · 14 days ago

⁣Martyanov-Ritter-Garland-Geopolitics-War 11 July 2024

9 Views · 22 days ago

⁣En Espanyol - Five years old boy kidnapped and sold People and organ traffiking

1 Views · 24 days ago

⁣Alex Jones Exposes the Secrets of What’s Coming Next in the Biden Catastrophe 30 june 2024_1

2 Views · 29 days ago

⁣Tucker Carlson and Neil Oliver June 2024

0 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Dr David Martin - Government Contractor Exposes Planning of Profitable Lethal Injections

3 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Jay Dyer The New World Religion Is Ancient Satanic Mysticism 21 june 2024

1 Views · 1 month ago

Blackrock Vanguard Rothschilds ⁣Illegal Immigrants Being Housed and Trained at American Universities in 15 minute cities under the UN
If you were destroying America from within, how would it look different?

4 Views · 2 months ago



Stargate SG-1 - S05E02 - Threshold (3) (1080p x265 EDGE2020)

6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣MRNA Vaxx Expert Dr David Martin and Russel Brand - Ebola Weaponised

The United Nations was founded for the control of the drug trade on from the British East India Company and the British Commonwealth..

⁣Martin - In 2019 "The Global Preparedness Moderating Board" called a marketing plan for a universal mandate for Vaxxines by September 2020. This was Covid19

This is the next round of the drug trade is to produce genetically modified humans.

0 Views · 2 months ago

⁣The Satanic Destruction of Infowars and Alex Jones - Patriots Rally 1June 2024

After the Trump conviction the Satanists go full censorship shutdown.

2 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Daniel Estulin - Bilderberg Is On The Run Says Top Globalist Expert 1June2024

150 year plan by Satnaic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires like Aldous Huxley to dum down and genocide humanity.

2 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Nick Fuentes Eloquently Responds To Trump Conviction And Looming WWIII-31may2024

9 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Jay Dyer Dark Forces— Religion, Technology, And Sexual Espionage 24 may 2024
⁣Jay Dyer and the total scam nature of the World and all it's dimensions as Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires funnel money into their coffers through total spectrum dominance - controlling people through sex, drugs, pedophilia, sexpionage and ending up with the cambridge apostles and Lord Victor Rothshild controlling the apostles with sex, homosexuality and pedophilia, savings and loans, the Fed, the carwash, Ukraine all controlled by sex and drugs...

3 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Trump Trial Collapses Into Chaos As Stormy Daniels Crumbles Under Cross-Examination

1 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Josh Sigurdson reports on the claims of Dr. Dolores Cahill that those who got the covid "vaccines" will ALL be dead within a few years. While the claim is quite outlandish, it's not really that far off. Of course a LARGE percentage of the covid fake "vaccines" were just saline water and others didn't actually contain the mRNA claimed. It would have been far too obvious for 50% of the world to suddenly start dying. Still, tens of millions of people took the actual mRNA injections and if they missed it the first or second time, if they've had 4 or 5 shots, it's unlikely they totally avoided it. We are seeing countless studies showing mass deaths of men, women and children and it cannot be ignored. We've been trying to warn people from the very beginning about this mass die off to come. Every year, more people are dying than the last despite less people getting injected each year. With that said, of those death, it's mostly only among the vaccinated. Astrazeneca has admitted their injections cause heart defects. Moderna has acknowledged that their injections cause cancer. Pfizer was just caught red-handed covering up cancer data which pairs with the same SV-40 in Moderna's mRNA death shots. As we've been reporting for years, the first example of so-called "SARS-CoV2" was from a DARPA document in 2018 to Anthony Fauci. In the document, they call SARS-CoV2 a "vaccine induced illness. It's always been the vaccines. There was never a "covid virus." People can throw conjecture to the wind as much as they want. Show an isolate. You can't. The jabs are causing a massive swath of death. Arizona's GOP has just labeled covid shots a "bioweapon." Despite all of this, major organizations are still calling on children and pregnant women to be injected with these mass murder shots. There's a war on and it's not against left or right, it's not racial. It's a war on humanity itself. Fight back.

31 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Dr. Robert Malone Exposes Genocide Globalist Plan To End Humanity

5 Views · 3 months ago

⁣James O’Keefe Set to Break Story of the Century 1May 2024

17 Views · 3 months ago

⁣UK Government Confirms Covid Shots Have Killed MILLIONS, Trump Election meddling, Secret CCP Military Bases Discovered Across US 16 April 2024

8 Views · 4 months ago

⁣Jason Bermas Satanic billionaires QAnon Crazy And A Blast From The Past

4 Views · 4 months ago

⁣Ask The Doctor How To Identify And Detox Yourself From The Poisons In Our Food Supply, Water, And Pharmaceuticals

39 Views · 4 months ago

⁣Maria Zeee UK MP Anthony Bridgen Calls For Deathvaxx Crimes Against Humanity Accountability

Anthony Bridgen UK MP, "A government Minister told me, we don't care what you say
Anthony that twenty million excess deaths have been caused by the
Deathvaxx, you took the Deathshot, in a year or so you will be dead of

0 Views · 4 months ago

⁣MASSIVE Death Toll From Vaccines - Studies Destroy Narrative As Deaths STILL Increasing

⁣Josh Sigurdson reports on the massive increase in deaths following the vaccines as new studies continue to expose the global eugenics experiment that people had bowed to for many precious years. 27% of Saudis in a bombshell study suffered from heart issues after getting the mRNA vaccines. Some within days, some more than a year later. The correlation shows an indisputable connection despite many pharma shills continuing to promote the death shots and scoffing at myocarditis claims. Children are dying in massive numbers "suddenly" as we've actually seen an increase year over year despite less vaccine intake as the ticking time bombs planted in the bodies of millions of people begin to set off. Correlating the excess death numbers which in 2020 were actually in the negative to excess death numbers in 2021, 2022 and the data we have from 2023 clearly proves the point that the vaccines are weapons of mass murder. Starting on week 21 of 2021 (the week of the emergency use authorization), the death numbers IMMEDIATELY skyrocket. We've all heard this before. But the studies are piling up, just in time for cancer to skyrocket and the media to fearmonger about "Bird Flu" being 100 times deadlier than "covid" which in itself was never isolated. There is a clear cut agenda to enslave the population by scaring them into enslaving themselves. We are being poisoned and lead to the slaughter. Are you prepared to fight back?

32 Views · 4 months ago

⁣Ted Gunderson - The Great Conspiracy2

10 Views · 4 months ago

⁣Elon Musk on Racism, Bailing Out Trump, Hate Speech, and More - The Don Lemon Show (Full Interview)

1 Views · 4 months ago

⁣LOSER STATE O Leary says he will never invest in NY after Trump fraud ruling

9 Views · 4 months ago

⁣This is an attack on America Kevin OLeary blasts Donald Trump civil fraud penalty

27 Views · 5 months ago

⁣Investigative Reporters Confirm Seven Divisions of Chinese Troops Invading U.S. Through Open Border

⁣Michael Yon and Ann Vandersteel join Alex Jones to give the latest news on America's collapsed southern border.

1 Views · 5 months ago

⁣UK Funeral Home Director John O'Looney joins Alex Jones to discuss the strange blood clots he's discovered in cadavers ever since the COVID vaccine rollout

⁣John O'Looney went to a meeting with doctors and fellow professionals to report on the increasing rate of death and Goverment toff - head of 1922 committee who chooses the prime Minister said everyone who has taken the vaxx - not the saline shot - will die within 5 years - there is nothing I can do. Its above my pay grade.

0 Views · 5 months ago

⁣The Shot Heard Round The World President Bukele Of El Salvador Declares War On The New World Order

⁣President Bukele Of El Salvador Says the USA is Ruled by Soros Gangs Prosecutors and Judges

The prosecutors lets the gangs free after one day. The Judges seize the assets of the middle class.

40 Views · 5 months ago

⁣State Department Insider Reveals How The Military Started Its Censorship Campaign Against US Citizens After Trump Victory

6 Views · 5 months ago

⁣Tucker Carlson, Takes Part in World Government Summit at What’s Next for Storytelling_ _

Tucker on Putin and the decline of the big cities in Europe and USA

6 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Jay Dyer - the Putin, Tucker interview And The Ancient Mystery Religions

2 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Russel Brand on the Tucker Carlson - Putin Interview

4 Views · 6 months ago

⁣The Tucker Putin Interview

6 Views · 6 months ago

⁣The Full AI - Elon Musk Debate With Alex Jones and David Icke - Biden, Putin, Xi run by Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires. They are bought and paid for...

⁣David Icke recommends spending no time on puppets like Biden, Musk, Xi, putin - but instead opposing the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire policies they persue.

For example Musk bought twitter and pushes free speech, not reach. He is shadow banning everyone.

He says AI is dangerous yet pushes neurolink and the cloud of communication between humans and AI - starlink, 5g, 6g, 10g...

⁣Biden, Putin, Xi support the Deathvaxx, Digital Currencies CBDC, The United Nations Agenda 2030, Climate Change.

They support the destruction of the west and the Chinese Century.

5 Views · 6 months ago

⁣King Charles and Close Friends Raped Hundreds of Children - Explosive New Testimony

4 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Tucker Carlson - Russell Brand Responds to Coordinated Smear Campaign Against Him, by eloquently taking apart the Satanic political forces ranged against him.

7 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Twitter-X RAMPS UP CENSORSHIP - ITS A TRAP - Elon Musk Corrals Us Into Digital Gulag

1 Views · 6 months ago

⁣The 5 Blockades Keeping You From Success, and How to Overcome Them

2 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Tucker Carlson speaks in Alberta, Canada.

All remarks on Trudeau are applicable to the USA.

2 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Tucker on Canada - The Trudeau Regime Just Got a Whole Lot Worse

His excoriation of the Trudeau - WEF regime resonates the same with the USA Biden Regime.

1 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Scientist exposes Gain of Function research since 1965 leading to a weaponisation of Covid and Death Vaccine Consciously Released to Kill! at the European Parliament.

⁣Dr. David E. Martin in the European Union in Brussels on the 3rd of May 2023

Recommends prosecution of Big Pharma!!

20 million people extra have died of myocarditis and cancer and blood clots.

12 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Scientist exposes Gain of Function research since 1965 leading to a weaponisation of Covid and Death Vaccine Consciously Released to Kill! at the European Parliament.

⁣Dr. David E. Martin in the European Union in Brussels on the 3rd of May 2023

Recommends prosecution of Big Pharma!!

2 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Tucker Carlson Tonight 20th Jan 2024 - Colonel McGregor

⁣Fascinating - this man shows his discipline in the clarity in which he speaks; his reasoning; his deduction- best interview I’ve listened to in a long time- humane and relevant for all of us.

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