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Satchi and Nickananda 34 minute Table talk 2 September 25 2023
Cleaning the Antahkarana of Energy Blockages. Removing the Sexual Addiction Blockage. The Lotus posture as a means of Determining the purity of the Base Chakra. Walloch Colloidal Minerals. Nazi Doctors and the Phoenician Empire Genetic Engineering of the Indian Caste System.
THE STEALING, THE HARVESTING OF YOUR SPIRITUAL ENERGY IN THE WACHOWSKI'S JUPITER ASCENDING Jupiter Ascending talks of the Harvest when all the people in the World are Harvested, killed, murdered, to obtain the Energy which will allow the Elite to live forever.
Ronald Bernard - Pedophilia and Human Sacrifice - Ex-Illuminati Banker Exposes The Elite Satanic Pho
Ronald Bernard - Pedophilia and Human Sacrifice - Ex-Illuminati Banker Exposes The Elite Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires - speaking out in ITNJ Judical Commision
We already know the Satanic elite have ruled this planet for 10,000 years with their mind control and black magic implantation of energy blockages…
Dutch banker Ronald Bernard also surfaced in the wake of the Pedogate scandal to shed further light on the people and system behind the international child trafficking network. During a series of interviews with one Irma Schiffers, Bernard explained how he worked in international finance and high-end money laundering for 12 years. In that role, he discovered that political power does not reside with publicly elected representatives, but with the world’s 8,000 to 8,500 wealthiest individuals who exercise power behind the scenes and who routinely manipulate the media. These elites, Bernard said, sit at the top of a power structure that resembles a pyramid:
World Banking Power Structure
8,000 - 8,500 wealthiest individuals
Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
IMF (International Monetary Fund) + World Bank
Central Banks
Multinational companies
Countries’ governments
Ronald Bernard described the Central Banks as ‘illegally created private banks’ which oversee the commercial banking system of their respective countries. He said the wealthiest Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire 8,000 to 8,500 people created the BIS in 1930. Since the world’s richest individuals are too young to have helped establish the BIS 88 years ago, he must mean banking dynasties like the Rothschilds.
Dope Inc. described the same criminal system as Ronald Bernard who said his own laundering operation dealt with governments, multinationals, terrorist organisations, and secret service agencies. Intelligence agencies like the CIA, MI6 and Mossad do not serve and protect a people or country as the public expect, he explained, but are all criminal organizations that trade in drugs, weapons, and children. The CIA functions as a private police force for the elite. According to Bernard, the wealthy elite control their employees through compromise and blackmail – just as James Rothstein described.
Ronald Bernard described how he and the other bankers employed by the wealthy elite were expected to participate in heinous sexual and murderous acts including the ritual sacrifice of children.
The VAXXED Lose 25 Years Of Life - Government Data CONFIRMS
Andrew Tate PBD EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Jail Life BBC Reaction Matrix Religion Future Plans
Andrew Tate on the discipline and hard work necessary to become a man in this competitive world.
I like his exposition of discpline and hard work expounded in the Interview of Andrew tate with Tucker Carlson at minute...
Have respect for yourself and weight train to look good and feel totally energised. Actualise the superpower of speaking and selling and persuading. Do not complain ever. Man up and overcome everything sent against you. You have to overcome the shit to be the shit. You do not have time to be depressed. Master your emotions and do!
I do not agree with the theories of psychologists as these theories were imagined by a pedophile, Freud, who hid the pedophilia of fathers and mothers on their children by calling the results hysteria then performing hysterectomies and lobotomies on the victims to hide the offence.
I will overcome every psychological weakness by myself!
However your core energy rather than peripheral energy in arms and legs is more increased by Agnisar Kriya, Yoga, Pranayama and Energy Enhancement Meditation.
Meditation to create superpowers of Chi and psychic powers talked about in every meditation book including the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali also transmute negative situations and emotions.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Satchidanand Book One, Sutra One - Here are complete Instructions on Enlightenment...
For example at this minute in the video Andrew Tate mentions that since the police raided his house at 5am in the morning he continuously wakes up before 5am.
And at this minute in the video the guy continuously asks Andrew how to overcome heartbreak which still affects him after being dumped many years ago.
These experiences are normal and create bblockages in the mind which must be overcome and can only be overcome with Energy Enhancement Meditation.
These psychic blockages associated with negative emotions can be transmuted and removed from the mind by the Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process.
As well as negative experiences from this lifetime which affect our daily performance in a competitive world the Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process is used on all our previous lifetimes in the the Energy Enhancement Meditation Karma Cleaning Process to totally clean the Augean Stables.
One of the twelve labours of Hercules the Augean Stables were cleaned by Hercules by aiming, moving the course of a river through the stables to clean not just one piece of shit, but all the shit because to be the shit in this competitive world, you have to overcome all the shit, to clean all the shit.
It is not enough just to overcome the worldly opposition. The real competition in this world is against yourself. You are the only one who limits yourself and the 5000 years old practises of Meditation are designed more than any other practises requiring discipline and hard work to remove all limits and gain full access to the energies of God.
After you have got all the women. After you have the car, palace, yacht, private jet, What next?
Energy Enhancement Meditation provides the answer.
To master the video game of life you have to overcome All the opposition by obtaining super psychic powers and removing your ego, Opening your Heart of Christ in order to help all people and become enlightened.
Whois the happiest person? He who makes everyone around him happy.
The Banker by Andrew McGuire
Poetry at it's finest
Satchi and Nickananda Table talk 3 Black Magic Pacts and White magicians
The Removal of Satanic Pacts from the Past Life Timelines of Nickananda from Roman times 2000 years ago to medievil times to within the last 150 years and the removal of the Sexual Addiction Blockage.
As the blockages are removed from the base chakra so the third eye gets stronger.
Becoming satanic means you tried to be bad but you were too good to be bad! You were thrown out and graduated with honours!
Texas Rebellion Against Biden Tyranny Spreads To 25 States 25th Jan 2024
Alex Jones breaks down how the fight to secure the Texas border has escalated as more states have rejected the Biden Administration's federal overreach and intentional collapse of the southern border. Dr. Chris Martenson joins Alex Jones live via Skype to describe what he's witnessed south of the border, where people from across the world are northward bound to invade the United States. Drew Hernandez hosts the final hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Dr. Robert Malone Exposes Genocide Globalist Plan To End Humanity
Weather Wars – FEMA - and Equitable Mass Murder - The government is no longer trying to hide, they are now killing us out in the open.