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0 Views · 12 days ago

⁣The Globalist Plan For A CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS Designed To Trigger WWIII And Usher In Complete World Government 22 April 2024
⁣Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) joins Alex jones in the first hour to discuss the treasonous actions of Congress giving Ukraine and Israel $95+ billion while America collapses. In the second hour, Jones does a deep dive on Adolph Hitler, WW2, and how it still controls our world today. And, in the third hour, WEF whistleblower Pascal Najadi will join Jones to reveal the sinister group's true intentions. Gerald Celente hosts the final hour of the Alex Jones Show.

0 Views · 3 days ago

⁣Trump Threatened With PRISON For Exercising His 1st Amendment Right By Tyrant Judge In New York 30 April 2024
Dugin nails the woke Satanic Agenda with Tucker Carlson.
Roger Stone

0 Views · 2 days ago

⁣James O’Keefe Exposes CIA Coup Against America!
Dr. Robert Malone Lays Out Latest Covid Tyranny 22 million extra deaths with the latest insurence actuaries.

0 Views · 1 hour ago

⁣The Civil War Has Begun— Discover The Globalist Kill List

0 Views · 1 hour ago

⁣Josh Sigurdson reports on the claims of Dr. Dolores Cahill that those who got the covid "vaccines" will ALL be dead within a few years. While the claim is quite outlandish, it's not really that far off. Of course a LARGE percentage of the covid fake "vaccines" were just saline water and others didn't actually contain the mRNA claimed. It would have been far too obvious for 50% of the world to suddenly start dying. Still, tens of millions of people took the actual mRNA injections and if they missed it the first or second time, if they've had 4 or 5 shots, it's unlikely they totally avoided it. We are seeing countless studies showing mass deaths of men, women and children and it cannot be ignored. We've been trying to warn people from the very beginning about this mass die off to come. Every year, more people are dying than the last despite less people getting injected each year. With that said, of those death, it's mostly only among the vaccinated. Astrazeneca has admitted their injections cause heart defects. Moderna has acknowledged that their injections cause cancer. Pfizer was just caught red-handed covering up cancer data which pairs with the same SV-40 in Moderna's mRNA death shots. As we've been reporting for years, the first example of so-called "SARS-CoV2" was from a DARPA document in 2018 to Anthony Fauci. In the document, they call SARS-CoV2 a "vaccine induced illness. It's always been the vaccines. There was never a "covid virus." People can throw conjecture to the wind as much as they want. Show an isolate. You can't. The jabs are causing a massive swath of death. Arizona's GOP has just labeled covid shots a "bioweapon." Despite all of this, major organizations are still calling on children and pregnant women to be injected with these mass murder shots. There's a war on and it's not against left or right, it's not racial. It's a war on humanity itself. Fight back.

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