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MASSIVE Death Toll From Vaccines - Studies Destroy Narrative As Deaths STILL Increasing
Josh Sigurdson reports on the massive increase in deaths following the vaccines as new studies continue to expose the global eugenics experiment that people had bowed to for many precious years. 27% of Saudis in a bombshell study suffered from heart issues after getting the mRNA vaccines. Some within days, some more than a year later. The correlation shows an indisputable connection despite many pharma shills continuing to promote the death shots and scoffing at myocarditis claims. Children are dying in massive numbers "suddenly" as we've actually seen an increase year over year despite less vaccine intake as the ticking time bombs planted in the bodies of millions of people begin to set off. Correlating the excess death numbers which in 2020 were actually in the negative to excess death numbers in 2021, 2022 and the data we have from 2023 clearly proves the point that the vaccines are weapons of mass murder. Starting on week 21 of 2021 (the week of the emergency use authorization), the death numbers IMMEDIATELY skyrocket. We've all heard this before. But the studies are piling up, just in time for cancer to skyrocket and the media to fearmonger about "Bird Flu" being 100 times deadlier than "covid" which in itself was never isolated. There is a clear cut agenda to enslave the population by scaring them into enslaving themselves. We are being poisoned and lead to the slaughter. Are you prepared to fight back?
Americans Brace for End of Republic as Border Crises Worsens — Liberty Movement Launches Plan to Cre
Americans Brace for End of Republic as Border Crises Worsens — Liberty Movement Launches Plan to Create Environment Where Illegals Deport Themselves 4 April 2024
special guests including Gavin McInnes, Drew Hernandez & Brian Krassenstein! Also, journalist Nick Sortor arrives in-studio!
American Workers Reject DEI Initiatives as Masses Awaken to NWO Controlled Collapse Via Open Borders
American Workers Reject DEI Initiatives as Masses Awaken to NWO Controlled Collapse Via Open Borders, Foreign Wars, Medical Tyranny, Collapse of Dollar 3 April 2024
Americans Awaken to NWO Takeover Amid Border Invasion, Biden’s Anti-Christian Easter, Devalued Dolla
Americans Awaken to NWO Takeover Amid Border Invasion, Biden’s Anti-Christian Easter, Devalued Dollar 1 April 2024
Famine, the War against men, The welfare creation of mother raised families as they are paid to create a 50% divorce rate as happened to the blacks, 50 years ago with the creation of drugs, and gangsta rap.
The federal J6 overeach of biased judges sending people to jail for supporting Trump and beleiving that the election of Biden was fixed.
Holistic Healing And The Secret Dangers Of Cosmetic Products, Implants, And Injections 1hr 42mins
Globalists Launch Engineered Collapse of Civilization 29 March 2024
Total Solar Eclipse Special Report Deep State Using Event to Test Federal Communications Takeover fo
Total Solar Eclipse Special Report Deep State Using Event to Test Federal Communications Takeover for Martial Law 28 March 2024
Alex Jones and special guests break down the latest on how globalists plan to use April 8th’s solar eclipse as cover to practice martial law ahead of the presidential election in November.
Biden Admin Using Total Solar Eclipse as Cover to Run Nationwide Martial Law Drill Ahead of Election
Biden Admin Using Total Solar Eclipse as Cover to Run Nationwide Martial Law Drill Ahead of Election 27 March 2024
See Butt Plug Schmuly the Sabbatean Frankist psychopath Satanist who has his daughter sell butt plugs and lube. Sabbatean Frankists are sodomites who pedophile their family, who believe that every evil act against God will bring back the Messiah. Thus Gaza, thus Ukraine, thus the fall of the Anglo American Empire...
Bridge Collapse Terrorism? Vital US Port Brought to Standstill After Baltimore Bridge Collapse — Tun
Bridge Collapse Terrorism?
Vital US Port Brought to Standstill After Baltimore Bridge Collapse — Tune In For Possible Black Swan Event 26 March2024
Moscow Terror Updates, Worldwide Surge In Cancer, Border Invasion, Trump Bond Drastically Reduced 25
Moscow Terror Updates, Worldwide Surge In Cancer, Border Invasion, Trump Bond Drastically Reduced 25th March 2024
The quickening is here! Major players & calamities have accelerated the globalists’ war against humanity! Now, with the global surge in terrorism & the Deep State’s destruction of the Southern Border, America teeters closer to total tyranny or total annihilation than ever before!
Alex Jones & Vladimir Soloviev Reveal Secrets of The Moscow Terror Attacks 23rd March 2024
Alex Jones is joined by Russian TV presenter Vladimir Soloviev to discuss the Moscow terror attacks and what they portend for the future of the increasingly volatile Ukraine conflict. We’ll also be joined by Syrian Girl and journalist Michael Yon to cover the latest developments in Moscow as the terrorists have been caught and are undergoing Russian interrogation
Third World Invaders Storm Border Under Biden’s Orders as Deep State Provides Protects UN Replacemen
Third World Invaders Storm Border Under Biden’s Orders as Deep State Provides Protects UN Replacement Population 22nd March
Genocide in Gaza..
Biden Crime Family COMPLETELY Destroyed at Congressional Testimony 21March2024
Ted Gunderson - The Great Conspiracy2
Don Lemon Elon Musk on Racism, Bailing Out Trump, Hate Speech, and More - The Don Lemon Show (Full I
Elon Musk on Racism, Bailing Out Trump, Hate Speech, and More - The Don Lemon Show (Full Interview)
LOSER STATE O Leary says he will never invest in NY after Trump fraud ruling
This is an attack on America Kevin OLeary blasts Donald Trump civil fraud penalty
TEXAS RISING Lone Star State Pulls Over 8 Billion Out Of BlackRock & Is Leading Way to Secure US Border 20th March 2024
The White House is now gaslighting Americans by saying Texas will “sow chaos” if law enforcement arrests and deports illegals! Meanwhile, France & Russia confirm buildup of NATO troops for invasion of Ukraine! Special guests include Anthony Rubin of Muckraker and whistleblower Carlos Arellano sharing the latest on the border and more!
Armageddon Alert! Putin Threatens “Full-Scale WW3” If NATO Sends Troops to Ukraine – FULL SHOW 3/19/24
Alex Jones will also break down the bone-chilling oral arguments from the Supreme Court where Democrat justices openly call for restricting speech the federal government doesn’t like! Meanwhile in the UK, police are ordering the official flag of the UK, the Union Jack, to be removed because it offends UN-sponsored illegal invaders! This dovetails with Germany where high school students who showed support for the nationalist party are being detained by police! This is the left’s plan for the entire planet! Also, Candace Owens has been told by a prominent rabbi that she’s antisemitic for calling someone a hag! The thought police aren’t coming, they’re here!
NATO Leaders Beat Drum In Support of Macron’s Call for Direct Military Confrontation With Russia 18t
NATO Leaders Beat Drum In Support of Macron’s Call for Direct Military Confrontation With Russia 18th March 2024
Trump Bloodbath Hoax Blows Up In Deep States Face — Viva Frei and Roger Stone Join Alex Jones Live
Russell Brand Says Alex Jones Was Right
Trump Bloodbath Hoax Blows Up In Deep States Face — Viva Frei & Roger Stone Join Alex Jones Live
Elon Musk Destroys Professional Liar Don Lemon Dinosaur Media Claims Censorship Alex Jones & Roger Stone Respond 14 March 2024
Deep State Embraces Mass Invasion of Haitians as Cannibalistic Gangs Take Over Failed State 13 March2024
Actually Eric Rodham, Hilary Clinton's brother tried to get the contract for the Goldmines on Haiti. When refused then the cannibal gangs took over. Gangs are the means of the CIA taking over counties to steal the gold and infuse one million more illegal immigrants into the USA.
Collapse of Boeing Foreshadows Dystopic Post-Industrial Future Under NWO’s Great Reset 12 march 2024
Collapse of Boeing Foreshadows Dystopic Post-Industrial Future Under NWO’s Great Reset 12 march 2024
NWO Takeover Dems Test Martial Law In NYC as Deep State Announces Scheme to Dumb Down Trumps Intelli
NWO Takeover Dems Test Martial Law In NYC as Deep State Announces Scheme to Dumb Down Trumps Intelligence Briefings Ahead of Election 11 March 2024
Deep State Planning Civil War & Martial Law Ahead of 2024 Election 11 March 2024
Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones Interview Incinerates the NWO After Biden Tells the Biggest Lies of His Career 8 MARCH 24
Today’s broadcast is LOADED with special guests including champions of the 2nd Amendment Michael Cargill & Dexter Taylor known as “Carbon Mike” setting the record straight on homemade “ghost guns.”
Troops Flood NYC Subway Amid Surge of Illegals as Biden Erects Fences Around Capital Ahead of SOTU 7
Troops Flood NYC Subway Amid Surge of Illegals as Biden Erects Fences Around Capital Ahead of SOTU 7 March 24
Trump Dominates Super Tuesday as Americans REJECT Globalist Permanent Underclass Via Replacement Mig
Trump Dominates Super Tuesday as Americans REJECT Globalist Policies to Create a Permanent Underclass Via Replacement Migration 6 MARCH 24
You have arrived at the tip of the spear in the information war! The transhumanist globalists have unleashed a war on every front you can imagine (and many you can’t) to assure humanity’s extinction! Watching & sharing this one-of-a-kind broadcast is VITAL for victory! Tune in!
Deep State’s Top Europe Saboteur Nuland to Exit After Devastating Ukraine, Empowering Russia, China,
Deep State’s Top Europe Saboteur Nuland to Exit After Devastating Ukraine, Empowering Russia, China, Iran 5 MARCH 24
Jack Posobiec joins Alex Jones to break down the latest news regarding Ukraine, Russia, and NATO. Also, Laura Towler joins Alex Jones to detail how her husband was arrested and sentenced to 2 years in prison in the United Kingdom for his free speech. Kirk Elliot joins Alex Jones to discuss the importance of protecting your wealth in an ever-changing, chaotic world with precious metals. Maria Zeee hosts the final hour.
Investigative Reporters Confirm Seven Divisions of Chinese Troops Invading U.S. Through Open Border
Investigative Reporters Confirm Seven Divisions of Chinese Troops Invading U.S. Through Open Border
Michael Yon and Ann Vandersteel join Alex Jones to give the latest news on America's collapsed southern border.
Supreme Court Destroys Deep State Attempts to Steal Election From Donald Trump, Votes 9-0 Against We
Supreme Court Destroys Deep State Attempts to Steal Election From Donald Trump, Votes 9-0 Against Weaponized Judiciary 4 March 24
Michael Yon joins the broadcast to break his biggest news yet on the migrant invasion & the UN bases being built in Texas, Mexico & Panama! Plus, popular firebrand Benny Johnson joins Jones to cover the world’s hottest stories! Do NOT miss this! Gerald Celente hosts the final hour.
Funeral Home Director John O Looney Exposes The Secret COVID Holocaust getting exponentially bigger 2 March 24
UK Funeral Home Director John O'Looney joins Alex Jones to discuss the strange blood clots he's discovered in cadavers ever since the COVID vaccine rollout
John O'Looney went to a meeting with doctors and fellow professionals to report on the increasing rate of death and Goverment toff - head of 1922 committee who chooses the prime Minister said everyone who has taken the vaxx - not the saline shot - will die within 5 years - there is nothing I can do. Its above my pay grade.
UK Funeral Home Director John O'Looney joins Alex Jones to discuss the strange blood clots he's discovered in cadavers ever since the COVID vaccine rollout
John O'Looney went to a meeting with doctors and fellow professionals to report on the increasing rate of death and Goverment toff - head of 1922 committee who chooses the prime Minister said everyone who has taken the vaxx - not the saline shot - will die within 5 years - there is nothing I can do. Its above my pay grade.
Depopulation ALERT Soros-Funded New York AG Targets World’s Top Beef Producer Over “Environmental Im
Depopulation ALERT Soros-Funded New York AG Targets World’s Top Beef Producer Over “Environmental Impact 29 feb 24
Deep State Panics Over Uncommitted Biden Voters As Americans DEMAND Border Wall Amid Surge of Violen
Deep State Panics Over Uncommitted Biden Voters As Americans DEMAND Border Wall Amid Surge of Violent Migrants 28 feb 24
The Shot Heard Round The World President Bukele Of El Salvador Declares War On The New World Order
President Bukele Of El Salvador Says the USA is Ruled by Soros Gangs Prosecutors and Judges
The prosecutors lets the gangs free after one day. The Judges seize the assets of the middle class.
Google’s Bud Light Moment Is HERE Tech Giant’s AI Erasure of Whites From History Has Triggered an Ex
Friday LIVE: Google’s 'Bud Light Moment’ Is HERE! Tech Giant’s AI Erasure of Whites From History Has Triggered an Explosive Awakening! — FULL SHOW 2/23/24
Following the trend of mass awakening, every poll shows Trump surging with blacks, normies, hispanics and women - sending the Deep State into a bigger panic! The establishment is responding by openly demonizing Christians and calling them a threat to national security while simultaneously covering up dozens of mass shootings conducted by psychotic trans people!
Google Erases White People From History As Globalists Purge Accelerates 21 feb 24
Populist Movements Peacefully Explode With Civil Disobedience Worldwide the Globalists Now, For the First Time, Are Scared 20 feb 24
Trucker Boycott of New York Tyranny Sends Shockwaves Through Establishment Plus, Coroners Scientists
Trucker Boycott of New York Tyranny Sends Shockwaves Through Establishment Plus, Coroners Scientists Confirm COVID Shots Causing Massive Fatal Blood Clots 19th FEB 2024
Alex Jones does a deep dive with Funeral Director & Embalmer Richard Hirschman & more to break the latest on how the COVID jab BLOODCLOTS are impacting Americans! Do NOT miss this!
UN Holds World Hostage, Demands Passage of Pandemic Treaty or Disease X Will Kill Us All 18 feb 24
Trump no jury 400 million dollar fine.
Tucker Carlson - American Government censored on Trump to win the 2020 election, to censor the Whole
State Department Insider Reveals How The Military Started Its Censorship Campaign Against US Citizens After Trump Victory
World Awakens to Deep State Lies on Russian Space Nukes, Border Invasion, Toxic Jabs 15th feb 2024
Owen Shroyer calls together the Infowars Knights of the round table- Harrison Smith and Chase Geiser- to discuss the latest breaking news. Also, Alex Jones joins to reveal the truth behind the Russian space lasers. Drew Hernandez hosts the final hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Bret Weinstein Joins Alex Jones to Take on The New World Order in Exclusive Interview
14th Feb 2024
Invasion America, Covid genocide, Satanic rulers.
Tucker Carlson, Takes Part in World Government Summit at What’s Next for Storytelling_ _
Tucker on Putin and the decline of the big cities in Europe and USA
Jay Dyer - the Putin, Tucker interview And The Ancient Mystery Religions
Michael Jackson - Heal The World (Official Video)
Russel Brand on the Tucker Carlson - Putin Interview
The Tucker Putin Interview
Michael Jackson - Heal the world - Live in Munich (HD-720p)
Alex Jones & David Icke Debate Elon Musk, Transhumanism, and the NWO as well as Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview 9 Feb 24
Roger Stone’s prediction comes true: Deep State sabotages Biden with late night senility speech ahead of DNC! Stone joins today’s broadcast to break the latest! Also, David Icke joins Alex Jones to debate the impact artificial intelligence will have on humanity, and whether Elon Musk is a genuine hero for mankind or a useful globalist puppet. Jay Dyer hosts the final hour of the Alex Jones Show.
AI - Elon Musk Debate With Alex Jones and David Icke - Biden, Putin, Xi run by Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires. They are bought and paid for...
David Icke recommends spending no time on puppets like Biden, Musk, Xi, putin - but instead opposing the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire policies they persue.
For example Musk bought twitter and pushes free speech, not reach. He is shadow banning everyone.
He says AI is dangerous yet pushes neurolink and the cloud of communication between humans and AI - starlink, 5g, 6g, 10g...
Biden, Putin, Xi support the Deathvaxx, Digital Currencies CBDC, The United Nations Agenda 2030, Climate Change.
They support the destruction of the west and the Chinese Century.
The Full AI - Elon Musk Debate With Alex Jones and David Icke - Biden, Putin, Xi run by Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires. They are bought and paid for...
David Icke recommends spending no time on puppets like Biden, Musk, Xi, putin - but instead opposing the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire policies they persue.
For example Musk bought twitter and pushes free speech, not reach. He is shadow banning everyone.
He says AI is dangerous yet pushes neurolink and the cloud of communication between humans and AI - starlink, 5g, 6g, 10g...
Biden, Putin, Xi support the Deathvaxx, Digital Currencies CBDC, The United Nations Agenda 2030, Climate Change.
They support the destruction of the west and the Chinese Century.
Trump Leads Biden By 20 Points, Canada Bans Government Murder Of Handicaps, And Trump Counters Taylo
Trump Leads Biden By 20 Points, Canada Bans Government Murder Of Handicaps, And Trump Counters Taylor Swift Psyop 4 feb 24
Alex Jones lays out the latest developments on the southern border as the Take Our Border Back convoy descends on Eagle Pass to protest Joe Biden’s open border policies. We’ll also cover Tucker Carlson’s mysterious visit to Russia and what it portends for the future of news and information warfare.
Republican Treason So-called Border Bill Gives Biden Dictatorial Powers In ALL Matters Concerning Bo
Republican Treason So-called Border Bill Gives Biden Dictatorial Powers In ALL Matters Concerning Border 5 FEB 24
Alex Jones breaks down the Senate's new 118 billion dollar bill for the border that provides no security, and- if that wasn't bad enough- it has been stuffed to include billions for Ukraine and Israel. Also, Alex opens the phone lines for callers and takes comments from Spaces listeners on X. Gerald Celente hosts the final hour of the Alex Jones Show.
King Charles and Close Friends Raped Hundreds of Children - Explosive New Testimony
Tucker Carlson Tries to Stop WW3 In History-Making Interview With Putin 6 Feb 24
Alex Jones calls on Tucker Carlson to release his interview with Putin, and details his own experience with false Russia related smears. Jack Posobiec joins Alex Jones to lay out how the globalists running the Ukraine war are now looking to Poland as the next target in their long term strategy to destroy Russia. Also, Michael Yon and Doc Chambers join Alex Jones live in-studio after the massive success of the Texas Border Convoy. Dr. Stella Immanuel joins in the final hour to discuss future biological warfare, President Trump, and the power of prayer. Stay tuned for Alex Jones' full length interview with Tucker Carlson!
World Braces for Release of Tucker Carlson Interview as Deep State Accelerates War on Press 7 feb 24
World Braces for Release of Tucker Carlson Interview as Deep State Accelerates War on Press 7 feb 24
The “Myrotvorets” kill list believed to be the product of the Ukraine Center for Countering Disinformation appears to have added Carlson on Tuesday shortly after he confirmed securing an interview with Putin. Lauren Witzke joins Alex Jones in-studio to cover the waterfront. Also, Drew Hernandez joins to discuss Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin as well as his latest reports from the southern border in California. Jason Bermas hosts the final hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Tucker Carlson - Russell Brand Responds to Coordinated Smear Campaign Against Him, by eloquently taking apart the Satanic political forces ranged against him.