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Brace Yourself For What s Coming in 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson
Alex Jones breaks down how European leaders are cracking down on protests against their mass migration policies under guise of silencing "hate speech", Ukraine's inevitable loss against Russia, the Israel-Hamas conflict, and much more! 26 nov 2023
Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson stated at a conference that 2024 is going to be “like nothing we’ve ever seen,” referring to the upcoming presidential election and other factors.
Carlson spoke at the Risk On 360! Global Success Conference in Las Vegas and discussed his views on the issues within America both politically and culturally. Carlson began his speech by highlighting how the majority of Americans he knows are “angry and paranoid.” (RELATED: Maggie Haberman Says She Heard It’s A ‘Possibility’ Tucker Carlson Could Be Trump’s VP Selection)
“I flew out here across the country this morning and spent five hours texting people … and I gotta tell you, every single person I texted, with the exception of my wife — who’s not on the internet at all — was angry and paranoid,” Carlson stated.
“Seriously, and these are not crazy people. These are normal good people with like kids and stuff. With a vested interest in Americans’ success. These are not the burn-it-down caucus. These are the, you know, these are the people you want voting.”
Carlson continued to state that after his “assessment” of their views, he believes that they are completely justified in the way they feel, noting that the tension building within America will spill into the next year as the U.S. heads into an intense election season. (RELATED: ‘Right Wing Avengers’: Joe Rogan Says Crowd Went ‘Nuts’ Over Trump, Tucker UFC Appearance)
“And I have to say after assessing their views for five hours, I think they were justified in both. They had every reason to be angry and all the evidence required to become paranoid,” Carlson continued. “I’m just telling you once again, what you already know, which is this is going to be — the next year is going to be, I think I’d bet my house on it, really like nothing we’ve ever seen in the country. And everyone can kind of feel that. You know, most of our perceptions come through intuition rather than reason.”
More from Carlson's speech:
If you're close to your dog, you know, the dog knows exactly what's going on ... they just watch, and they feel, and people are very much the same, and if something bad is about to happen, everybody gets jumpy, and everybody's really jumpy right now. Your gut is the one thing that doesn't lie to you. Your gut only has your interest in mind. It is not trying to sell you a product or convince you to vote for it. You've got two people people running for president — one of them is literally senile. Yet, he's standing for reelection at the age of 80. If you feel you're being lied to, you're 100% right. You are being lied to. And if you feel that something very intense and history-changing is about to happen, don't ignore it. They're not just lying; they hate the truth. They're offended by things purely because they are true, even when they don't possibly threaten anyone.
Carlson gave some “suggestions” for the upcoming months, emphasizing the need to be aware of political surroundings, calling out President Joe Biden’s mental state, and highlighting the indictments against former President Donald Trump. Carlson additionally highlighted America’s social issues, including gender ideology.
“Your gut is the one thing that doesn’t lie to you. Your gut only has your interest in mind. It is not trying to sell you a product, or convince you to vote for it,” he said.
“If you feel like you’re being lied to, you’re 100 percent right — you are being lied to. And if you feel like something very intense in history is about to happen, don’t ignore it. Don’t panic. There’s not profit in that, you can’t control it — you’re not in charge of history,” Carlson added, highlighting that there is “similar volatility” in politics happening across the world, especially in the West.
“You’ve got two people people running for president — one of them is literally senile,” Carlson added, adding that he thinks Biden is “not running” the show at the White House. “Yet he’s standing for reelection at the age of 80.”
Carlson then pivoted to discussing Trump, saying, “Every time he gets indicted and every time they tack years onto this potential sentence, he becomes more popular — and now he’s winning.”
“Nothing that is happening now or that has happened for the last five or six years can be explained through conventional political terms.”
With crime rates rising and inflation, nearly 76 percent of voters believe that the country is heading in the wrong direction, according to an ABC News/Ipsos poll. Fifty-two percent of Americans feel that, due to the country’s divide, “America’s best days are now behind us,” according to a PRRI report.
Social credit score prison planet surveillance, censorship and kill switches destruction of energy a
United Nations, WEF and Soros Planning to Establish Dictatorship Complete With Plandemic Mass Arrests & Detention Camps 12 November 2023
Starvation to kill 100's of millions, Every country Cutting off the energy, fertiliser and food supply, social credit score prison planet that globalists almost completed with live time surveillance, censorship and kill switches in everything from pace makers to air conditioners and cars while cutting off the energy and food supply, triggering a forced global collapse that will kill 7 billion people.
Hamas created by Israel and the Biden regime's rejection of a ceasefire in Gaza and the major uprisings across the world sparked by the Third World invasion by the West creating WW3.
Satanism Expands European Parliament Digital IDs 10 November 2023
Beavis and Butt-Head Get Radicalized By Infowars
Jay Dyer - Secrets of the Illuminati Drug Trade
From Jay Dyer Secrets of the Illuminati Drug Trade 6th Oct 2023
The Control of Society by means of Trauma Formed Mind Control from Shocks applied in the Dream State from News, Movies to Move You, TV Programs to Program You, and Drugs
MKULTRA - What Happens to an Individual with Trauma can be Applied to Society as a Whole.
From Jay Dyer Secrets of the Illuminati Drug Trade 6th Oct 2023
British East India Company privateers stopped unauthorised trade on Drug Trade routes, Monopolising the drug trade. The Opium Empire. Making enormous Trillions of Dollars profits as much as Blackrock today.
The British Crown Kings and Queens took over the British East India Company. Big British banks were set up to launder drug money in Hong Kong.
Phoenician Aristocratic Families like the Russels founded Yale University and the Skull and Bones Sodomy RitualSociety there - How America tied themselves to this Drug Trade Opium Empire
America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones Antony C. Sutton
Yale's mysterious society, the Order of the Skull and Bones, and its sodomy rituals. Prominent members many American Presidents from the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Russels, Tafts, Rockefellers, Pillsburys, and Bushes.
Read this pdf book - Right click and save.. Establishment-An-Introduction-to-Skull-and Bones-Antony Sutton.pdf
Comittee of 300 - John Coleman 1992
The Committee of 300, also known as The Olympians, is a group alleged to have been created by the British aristocracy to found the Opium Empire in 1727. An international council that organizes politics, commerce, banking, media, and the military for centralized global efforts of the Drug Trade.
Read this pdf book - Right click and save.. Committee-of-300.pdf
The complicity of the Mega Trillionaire establishment and it's bought and paid for CIA and FBI in organising the 1980's Crack Cocaine and Afghan Heroin drug trade selling their drugs to frontmen Gangs, Pablo Escobar, Freeway Ricky Ross who then took the fall. Crack Houses, Prostitution.
Founded by the Russell Family who founded Yale University and it's Skull and Bones Sodomy Ritual Society. A Russel, The Marquis of Tavistock, created the Tavistock Institute which morphed into the Stanford Research Institute SRI.
Both American foundation formed techniques have a single goal---to break down the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the World Order.
Any technique which helps to break down the family unit, and family inculcated principles of religion, honor, patriotism and sexual behavior like drugs, feminism or transexuality, is used by the Tavistock scientists as weapons of crowd control.
Read More... Tavistock The Best Kept Secret in America by Dr. John Coleman
Tavistock says, "the failure of the targetted group to understand the source of the crisis". Instead we blame the obvious Programs, Police, Laws, the Libs, the incompetancy in Government - because blaming the true cause is too distressful to Traumatised individuals and all Society.
Traumatised individuals and all Society failing to understand that the true problem was the Phoenician Aristocratic Elites - the Satanic Phoenician Mega-Trillionaires and their bought and paid for Government, CIA, FBI, Justice Department, Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, United Nations, World Health Organisation, GAVI, Congress and Senate Deep State.
It's a technocratic, Stanford/Tavistock social engineering plan from the top - it's not incompetance. It's a cover for the elites.
What happens to an individual with trauma can be applied to society as a whole. An engineered shock and stressor.The flower children degenerated into drugs and mind control experiments.
MI6 Aldous Huxley high priest of dionisian flower power LSD cult - an American cultural revolution. Phoenician Henry Luce owner of Time Magazine pushed LSD on his front cover.
Sandoz LSD created by CIA and FBI. Drugs as a tool for social control. British elites utilised Opium in China to target China for destruction. Now it's the turn of the American Empire, drug targetted for destruction and the rise of the Fentanyl Chinese Century.
What happens to an individual with trauma can be applied to society as a whole. An engineered shock and stressor.The flower children degenerated into drugs and mind control experiments.
From 21 Common Reactions to Trauma
Emotional Reactions
- Fear and Anxiety. Perhaps the most common emotional reaction to a trauma is feeling fearful and anxious. It makes perfect sense that we would be afraid after something scary happened. In fact, like so many of these reactions, it's a sign that our nervous system is functioning as it should. Nevertheless, the fear following a trauma can be as bad or worse than the emotions we felt at the time of the trauma, and almost certainly lasts longer. You may feel like the fear is subsiding when something triggers a reminder of the trauma, and the intense fear returns making you avoid the triggering item.
- Anger. In addition to fear and anxiety, anger is a very common reaction to trauma. We might feel anger at the person or situation responsible for our trauma. We may be angry at ourselves if we blame ourselves for what happened. We might just be more irritable than usual, and have a hard time understanding why we're snapping at our partners or less patient with our kids. You may feel like the anger is subsiding when something triggers a reminder of the trauma, and the intense anger returns making you avoid the triggering item.
- Sadness. We often will feel sad and cry after a highly traumatic event. The crying can be a way for the nervous system to come down from the fight-or-flight response, since crying is associated with the parasympathetic nervous system which calms the mind and body. The sadness can also come from feeling overwhelmed by a world that feels terribly threatening. And of course sadness and grief are common when the trauma involved the loss of someone close to us. You may feel like the sadness is subsiding when something triggers a reminder of the trauma, and the intense sadness returns making you avoid the triggering item.
- Guilt. If the trauma involved someone close to us being injured or killed, we may blame ourselves and feel guilty that we didn't somehow prevent it. Combat veterans might feel guilty about actions they took in the course of their duties that resulted in the deaths of enemy combatants. Or we might feel responsible for being attacked or hurt, as though somehow we caused it.
- Feeling Numb. Sometimes rather than feeling strong emotions, we feel shut down emotionally, as though we're made of wood. We might not have the positive emotions we know we "should" when good things happen in our lives. Part of the numbing response can come from the body and mind's self-protective efforts in the face of overwhelming emotions.
Avoiding Things Related to the Trauma
- Trying Not to Think About the Event. By definition, a traumatic event is not a pleasant memory, so it makes sense that we would want to avoid thinking about it. As mentioned above, the mind tends to replay the traumatic memory, so it can be difficult to keep it out of our minds for long. You may feel like the traumatic event is subsiding when something triggers a reminder of the trauma, and the intense emotion returns making you avoid the triggering item.
- Avoiding Things Related to the Event. Sometimes we avoid people, places, or things related to our trauma because they trigger the painful memory. For example, we might avoid TV shows that remind us of the event. Other times we might avoid things because they feel dangerous, like a section of the city where we were assaulted. It's common to want to avoid being in crowds after a trauma, even if the traumatic event wasn't caused directly by another person (such as an earthquake).
All of these Engram Trauma Formed Energy Blockages Subpersonalities, Fears, angers, and sadnesses can be grounded, transmuted, totally removed, completely destroyed by the Energy Enhancement Meditation Video Course and in Iguazu and Palolem Beach in India.
Mind Control of individuals and society is composed of...
1. Trauma, torture - What happens to an individual with trauma can be applied to society as a whole. An engineered shock and stressor. Ubiquitous sodomy and hazing. All Trauma can create a subpersonality which can then be accessed psychically by the Black Magicians in order to exert an influence, a control, over humanity.
Tavistock, "the failure of the targetted group to understand the source of the crisis". Instead we blame the obvious Programs, Police, Laws, the Libs, the incompetancy in Government - because blaming the true cause is too distressful there failing to understand that the problem was the elites, the Satanic Phoenician Mega-Trillionaires.
More, the 24 hour news cycle is ammunition in a psychological War to create ubiquitous shocks which increase trauma and thus fearful subpersonalities which require an easy cause of the trauma and thus Tavistock, "the failure of the targetted group to understand the source of the crisis" because they are so fearful they fall for the easy, less stressfull, "Make my Life Easy", cause - Programs, Police, Laws, the Libs, the incompetancy in Government - and will not think of the true cause.
Because the true cause, " the problem was the elites, the Satanic Phoenician Mega-Trillionaires who contemplate eugenics and genocide in order to solve the overpopulation problem" is just too fear inducing. Therefore they just will not think about genocidal elites and all the evidence of genocidal poison induced into the environment. Instead they are satisfied with a dummy in the mouth - a less fearful cause, a less fear inducing cause.
The reality of course from many different sources, Rat poison Fluoride in the drinking water, Genetically Modified Frankenstein Food, Heavy Metal poison Alstheimer creating Nano Aluminium and Barium arial sprays for Geoengineering Programs, SV40 Cancer Viruses induced in all vaccines since the 1950's, the Tuskeegee Experiment injecting syphillis Virus into healthy Black people, Cadmium/uranium heavy metal sprays in many cities, "To see what happens".
Instead they are satisfied with a dummy in the mouth - a less fearful cause, a less fear inducing cause - these well reported programs do not exist, they are conspiracy theories - therefore society is pacified, the dummies are dummied! The Simps are Simpsoned. The Traumatised are Mind Controlled..
By using the words above the Satanic Phoenician Mega-Trillionaires are laughing at you, laughing at the Pacified, Dummies, and Simps.
But really, you have all been Mind Controlled from Birth...
2. Drugs induce a dream state without tension, without fear and some are physically addictive. People can take drugs in order to escape from the traumatic engram energy blockage. In the dream state people are totally programmable and their intellectual function becomes degraded over time. The flower children degenerated into drugs and mind control experiments.
3. Hypnotism - All movies, TV and Porn are viewed in a hypnotic Dream state and the movies are the programs entered into the mind. TV programs. Movies to make your mind move!
Movies which create shocks can create subpersonalities which then become addicted to horror movies as children exposed to pedophilia and sodomy can become addicted to it and become perpetrators themselves when they become older.
Movies which create shocks can create Subpersonalities then are trained by storylines which create fear - the Terminator Robots, Nuclear Bombs, Dracula,Predator, Alien.
The result in many cases is to avoid fear, to avoid thinking about fear, to avoid thinking at all about anything which could create fear. "You live in a dream world, Neo" this is the Matrix. "A World pulled over your eyes to hide you from the Truth".
Tavistock, "the failure of the targetted group to understand the vaxx will kill them" We told people about the bad effects of the Vaxx months before it was even made available, but the people did not want to think about that, did not want to think about the fearful aspects of the Vaxx and because of that instead believed the Satanic Elite Fauci who gave then lullabies so they would take the Vaxx and die.
The Porn Program Sissihypno is designed to turn people into Transexuals with great success. Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires behind MKULTRA Mind Control Programs Bimbosleep Bimbofication and Sissi Hypno Sissification created by Tavistock Institute and the Nazi CIA Stanford University SRI...
All to create a layering in of demons, in order to create a human being which cannot access the soul because the soul is overlaid by demons controlled by black magicians so the human being becomes entirely controllable like a marionette, a puppet, a golem, a robot.
" Oi Loikes following orders!"
The Sodomy Ritual -
In the House of the Strong Man Sodomy is the Key
Download The Illuminati Formula to create a Completely Mind Controlled Slave which details, "The World which has been Pulled Over Your Eyes, to hide you from the Truth" Morpheus, Matrix Movie.
This book details the Satanic 10,000 years old process using Torture, Drugs and Hypnotism in order to layer in Demon Programs from birth and before birth into the torture, trauma and drug split mind which has always infused the Emperors, Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers and their policies mandated by the Satanic Elite Controllers who must be even more Mind Controlled than the General Population..
Now industrial quantities of children - evidence in the 1972 Church hearings 6 hours of video evidence to Congress available on youtube and CSPAN talking about 10,000 young children taken, trafficked, from orphanages and entered into the MKULTRA program - are being mind controlled to take over the World. Movies Trafficked and Taken and the Haiti Trafficking detail the abduction.
This book details the methodology - to give evidence that Against Satanism - is Real!!
by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier
Read this pdf book - Right click and save..
All of these Engram Trauma Energy Blockage Fears angers, and sadnesses can be grounded, removed, completely destroyed by the Energy Enhancement Meditation Video Course and in Iguazu and Palolem Beach.
Greenwald & Carlson - the war in Ukraine and the presidency of Joe Biden, are finally, both inevitably coming to an end.
Globalists Censor Americans, Imprison Trump, Start Global War, Accelerate Border Invasion of USA and
Globalists Censor Americans, Imprison Trump, Start Global War, Accelerate Border Invasion of USA and EU by CIA created Isis, Hamas, Al Qaeda, AND Chinese Army
DAVID ICKE - Aliens are HERE! Exposing the Illuminati & Satanic Government
Jay Dyer The American/British Empire Divide and Conquer Israel-Arab Secrets of the History Behind the Present Day Israel Palestine Conflict - Carol Quigley, Fabians, Milner, Lord Rothschild - 10th October 2023
Hamas False Flag like the two towers or Pearl Harbour was Funded by Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires to push the surveillance state and Bring on 1984 Worldwide
Tyranny Hillary Calls for Formal Deprogramming & Camps for Men, FBI Declares All Trump Supporters Terrorists 6th Oct 2023
Bidens FBI Police State Lists ALL Trump Supporters as Terrorists, Federal Court Rules Deep State Cen
Bidens FBI Police State Lists ALL Trump Supporters as Terrorists, Federal Court Rules Deep State Censorship Helped Steal Election 5th Oct 2023
UNITED NATIONS OLIGARCHS Secret Proposed Changes in Constitution to Steal Aboriginal Land Worldwide - Digitising the proprty rights and selling the land off to the corporations in Australia, Canada, USA and Worldwide.
"We're In The Middle Of A Revolution" - Victor Davis Hanson Warns Tucker: "The Next 12 Months Will Be The Most Explosive In History"
46% Excess deaths from Vaccine Worldwide
Chemtrail chemicals poisoning the trees, vegetation, crops and humans
WEF Says All Cars to be Banned by 2030 SECOND OCT 2023
Hollywood promoting Devil Worship and Pegophilia
The Cashless Debanked society
United Nations massive bases holding tens of thousands of replacement Migration invaders forvEurope and USA
J6 How Many FEDs Does It Take To Stage an Insurrection
Neil Oliver asks Who are we and what is it we truly care about.
Jay Dyer Rachel Wilson Satanic Occult Secrets of Witchcraft and the Rise of Feminism
Satanic Cybele and Attis - Magna Mater - Goddess Worship is the Template for Feminism, Transexuality, and Castration.
Ukraine. 1984, Habeus Corpus
Youre Globalist Leaders are SATANIC! Drew Hernandez Calls Out the Satanic Globalist Surveillance State
Biden - the White House Knew COVID Vaccines Were Killing People in 2021
Biden organised the MSM to debunk the claims that the deathvaxx was killing people with clots, myocarditis and cancer...
So that you would take the deathvaxxx and... DIE!
Satchi and Nickananda Table talk 3 Black Magic Pacts and White magicians
The Removal of Satanic Pacts from the Past Life Timelines of Nickananda from Roman times 2000 years ago to medievil times to within the last 150 years and the removal of the Sexual Addiction Blockage.
As the blockages are removed from the base chakra so the third eye gets stronger.
Becoming satanic means you tried to be bad but you were too good to be bad! You were thrown out and graduated with honours!
Satchi and Nickananda 34 minute Table talk 2 September 25 2023
Cleaning the Antahkarana of Energy Blockages. Removing the Sexual Addiction Blockage. The Lotus posture as a means of Determining the purity of the Base Chakra. Walloch Colloidal Minerals. Nazi Doctors and the Phoenician Empire Genetic Engineering of the Indian Caste System.
Castration, Deathvaxx Pentagon Now Above Congress DOD Exempts Ukraine War From Government Shutdown - ALEX JONES FULL SHOW Sept 22 2023
Russell Brand vows to continue to talk about the deep state and corporate collusion on Rumble as he has been deplatformed worldwide at the request of the Government.
RUSSELL BRAND joined by TUCKER CARLSON for a WORLD EXCLUSIVE first interview since leaving Fox News. NOTHING is off limits! Join them as they discuss world leaders, Ukraine, alternative media, Fox News and more!
The Sexual Addiction Blockage Short 1 minute from Satchi and Nickananda 2 hour talk 16Sept2023 short
The Sexual Addiction Blockage Short
TAKEN FROM Table Talk on Interesting Meditation
and Against Satanism Subject at...
Two hour talk - Table Talk on Interesting Meditation and Against Satanism Subjects
Table Talk on Interesting Meditation
and Against Satanism Subject at...
Table Talk on Interesting Meditation and Against Satanism Subjects
For years the government has been using deadly chemicals to kill the population
Satchi and Nickananda 2 hour talk 16Sept2023
Here is an interesting video called Table Talk, Nickananda and Satchidanand talk on a variety of interesting meditation and Against Satanism subjects at the dinner table.
How Sat of Satchidananda comes from Satya and how Satya means the truth and how the truth is that which cannot change and how the only thing which cannot change is God and how everything else is a lie from the father of lies, the Devil, Satan, Lucifer and his Demons and his Dark Gods.
Propaganda is like that. Misinformation, Malinformation. Wrong infromation and its opposite called Intelligence or Intel by the security services like the CIA or MI6.
And the suppression of that Intel, thus "I won't be silent" the song by Guy Richie in Disney's Aladdin. A Lad Insane..
Because when you have Truth, you have intelligence, wisdom.
When you have lies from the father of Lies you have propaganda, mind control, stupidity.
You are intelligent only by the truth of your information.
In meditation we would say you are intelligent only by your connection with God.
Even those with high IQs, when they have misinformation, they are idiots.
"Intellectuals are the most intensely stupid" from Dangerous Liasons a fantastic movie with Keanu Reaves, Uma Thurman, John Malkovich and Glen Close.
Because when you have GIGO, in computer parlance, Garbage in, Garbage out...
When you are fed by misinformation.
You have intense stupidity.
Thus the poison of Cancer virus, Green Monkey virus sv40 being put into, contaminating every shot since the 1950's - there was no cancer at all before the shots - by Jonas Salk who admitted on video that he had murdered 500 million people, most dying in intense pain, and that because of that the profits of the medical industrial complex had increased so that medicine as a business was third in profits only to petroleum and armaments.
The poisons of rat poison Fluoride, Roundup, Glyphosate, Pesticides, Frankenstein Food, Masks, MRNA are not talked about by the misinformed but only by the intelligent which has nothing to do with IQ, only with truthful information.
Their Intelligence or Intel.
Here we talk about truthful information but also the connection with God through Energy Enhancement Meditation.... The Only Solution to Satanism
As the World moves towards Internet censorship, Net Zero, Digital ID's and World War III here is the incredibly relevant Aladdin by Guy Richie, "I won't stay silent"
Visions of Past Lifetimes Clearing the Satanic Pacts with the Devil with Energy Enhancement Meditation...
The Banker by Andrew McGuire
Poetry at it's finest
Andrew Tate Bottom Bitch method to recruit a girl for Onlyfans.
With his webcam company Tate ran many girls.
Tristan said he could make 40 to 50 thousand dollars a month for one girl on Onlyfans.
And then he found Online Gambling...
Tristan Tate dates Onlyfans girl for money.
I can make 40 to 50 thousand dollars per month for a ten out of ten girl on Onlyfans
Monty Python - Life Of Brian "You are All Individuals" I'm not!
While the Main Stream Media lies to you about current events and demonizes the leaders empowering the masses to seek the truth, two men continue to take the slings and arrows of the globalist cabal and refuse to yield. In the this powerful two hour must see explosive interview, Alex Jones and Andrew Tate unleash an arsenal of truth bombs, on why men and masculinity are under attack, and how to counter these attacks. Take this interview cut clips from it and spread them around. Tune into Alex Jones weekday Mon thru Friday 11am to 3pm central. Listen live at and find all the archives at Find out more about Andrew Tate and
Tucker Carlson ep.19 Interview with Donald Trump
World Awakens to Globalist Rollout of NEW Wave of Covid Tyranny
Stew Peters Rise Up because you can expect no help from any politician. We have to do it by ourselves. Say NO!
Dr. Stella Immanuel Genetic Bloodlines of the Illuminati Traced from Israel to Anatolia and Phrygia where started the cult of Cybele and Attis, state religion of the Roman Empire. The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires... Aug 22 2023
Tucker Carlson Douglas McGregor on X August 22, 2023
‘Every claim is false’: Tucker talks unreported atrocities in Ukraine war with Army Col Douglas Macgregor
A frank conversation on the war in Ukraine dispelled the corporate media narrative as retired U.S. Army Col. Douglas Macgregor told Tucker Carlson why the “terrible tragedy…should be ended.”
The latest episode of “Tucker on Twitter” was posted to X Monday and cut right through the propaganda with some eye-opening figures for the colonel. First, Carlson reminded viewers how “Pretty much everything that NBC News and The New York Times have told you about the war in Ukraine is a lie.”
“‘The Russian army is incompetent,’ they claim. ‘Ukraine is a democracy.’ ‘Vladimir Putin is Hitler, and he’s trying to take over the world.’ ‘Thankfully, the Ukrainians are winning,'” he presented in his brief monologue for episode 18.
“None of that is true. Every claim is false,” contended Carlson. “The last one, especially.”
“The Ukrainian Army is not winning. In fact,” he argued, “it’s losing badly. Ukraine is being destroyed. Its population is being slaughtered in lopsided battles with a technologically superior enemy or scattered by the millions to the rest of the globe as refugees. Ukraine is running out of soldiers.”
“As that happens, the question will inevitably arise who’s gonna replace them? If the Ukrainians can’t beat Putin, who will? The answer, of course, will be us. American troops will fight the Russian army in Eastern Europe. That’s most likely. And the assumption is we’ll win. But will we win?” the former primetime host wondered before bringing in Macgregor.
As had been the case when they’d spoken together on Fox News, the colonel’s position bucked Washington, D.C.’s ongoing and costly support of the Ukrainian military by contending that, even with our aid, they have been dying in droves.
“I think all of the lies that have been told for more than a year-and-a-half about the Ukrainians are winning; the Ukrainian cause is just; the Russians are evil; the Russians are incompetent; all of that is collapsing, and it’s collapsing because what’s happening on the battlefield is horrific,” said Macgregor.
The colonel reported that at least 40,000 Ukrainian men had been killed in just the last month bringing the total estimate to around 400,000 since Russia had invaded in Feb. 2022. “We don’t even know how many people have been wounded, but we know probably upwards of 40- to 50,000 soldiers are amputees.”
“We know the hospitals are full,” he added before noting that many “Ukrainian units at the platoon and company level,” measuring from 50 to 200 men at a time, have been surrendering to the Russians for the sake of the wounded “because they can’t fight anymore.”
“All of this happens in a way that is just not reported in the West. And in the meantime, rather than admit that this is a terrible tragedy that should be ended, on humanitarian grounds if no other, that the killing should stop — as President Trump said ‘Stop the killing,’ we’re gonna continue,” lamented Macgregor. “And this puts the Russians in the unhappy position of marching further west.”
It was later suggested that the Russians had not been initially prepared for the conflict, but had since amassed around 750,000 troops in and around their neighboring nation and could grow to a force as large as 1.2 million over the next year.
Meanwhile, Macgregor slammed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy “and the radicals around him” who’ve “basically committed to fighting this war to the last Ukrainian. And of course, I’m sure that Mr. Zelenskyy and friends are anxious at some point to retire to their estates in Florida, or Venice or Cyprus to collect on the billions that they’ve managed to steal or siphon from all the aid that we’ve provided. Remember, Ukraine is probably one of the most corrupt places in the world.”
New Bioweapon Released Biden Planning New Lockdowns and mandatory vaccines Warn Whistleblowers – FRI
New Bioweapon Released Biden Planning New Lockdowns and mandatory vaccines Warn Whistleblowers – FRIDAY FULL SHOW August 18 2023
Administrative 2000 people Mass Murder Alert! Infowars Reports LIVE from Maui August 17 2023
Micovits Phd Blows the Whistle: Lyme Disease is HIV Covid Vaccine Purposely Contaminated with SV40 Cancer Virus
The SV40 Green Monkey Cancer Virus has been injected into all Vaccines by the Rockefeller Big Pharma Hospital industry to increase their Medical profits since the 1960s thus the hundreds of millions of people who have died in screaming pain from cancer since that time.
Christine Anderson Covid-19 Was A Globalist Plot To Conquer The World Warns Top German Leader
Pandemic Narrative Collapses as Politicians Across The World Now Admit COVID Was Globalist Takeover Operation to create a totalitarian world
Dr Roger Hodgekinson looks at statistics saying 20 Million People Killed Globally By Covid Vaccines & 2.2 Billion Seriously Injured Hurt
Alex Jones long talk about Satanism and the Anti-Christ coming into the World, the mark of the beast, a totalitarian takeover where billions of people could be killed. How the bible says the world will be taken over by a totalitarian government we will all be surveilled by AI and you have to do what the government says or you will have your bank, your food, your ability to trade, your ability to travel, to have shelter taken away from you. The Social Credit Score in spades!
20 Million People Killed Globally By Covid Vaccines & 2.2 Billion Seriously Injured Hurt
Aug 12, 2023
Christine Anderson Covid-19 Was A Globalist Plot To Conquer The World Warns Top German Leader
Malcolm Roberts, Senator for Queensland... Deathvaxx Nuremberg 2 Punishment...
46% increase in deaths worldwide due to the Deathvaxx. Life length, remaining Years of life cut in half. Pfizer is part of 2032. They have so corrupted government on a global scale that has resulted in countless unreported deaths that our trust in government itself is crumbling before our eyes. Very few people are willing to stand up against this corruption. The politicians circle the wagons to protect their corruption. They will not succeed. Those who have lost family members because our politicians do not care if we die as long as they get paid will never forget.
Massive Global Developments Are Taking Place! Must-Watch Edition of the Alex Jones Show -10th August
Massive Global Developments Are Taking Place! Must-Watch Edition of the Alex Jones Show -10th August 2023
Genetic Engineering of humans by making people allergic to meat by vaccination, destruction of the immune system by vaccine, injection of cancer viruses by vaccination, sterilisation by vaccination
Q-Shaman Exposes Satanism + Army Intel Officer Warns Of Biden Assassination Plot
Jordan Peterson. Aim high. Think. There is plentiful food, metals, fertiliser so when they say there are too many people their doom-and-gloom warnings are utter nonsense
The Candice Owens Andrew Tate The Interview
Before we can kill you first they must destroy your name.
So, Andrew Tate is describing the Satanic psyop which is destroying the West, destroying the men, destroying the women, destroying richness, destroying society and the deep state is all out trying to destroy Andrew Tate.
He talks about leaving distractions like pornography behind, you must focus onbeating the competition by making yourself into a superman or enlightened as I would call it. By working on yourself with going to the gym and working out, learning how to use words to persuade, making money because money is a superpower which can make your life so much more easy.
He talks about the idiocy of therapy and overcoming spurious emotions and performing. He says Prince Harry has fallen into the therapy trap which has turned him into a Poor Me although he does not use the term, betray his family and not act like a male archetype which will eventually make him lose his wife.
His main point is that only good men and good women can resist the slave creating psyop which is taking over the USA, UK and Europe as they have been targetted for destruction. Andrew Tate's program for young men is making a difference thus he is being targetted.
Well, I am different and would do it another way but I agree with the principles. Because what he is doing is good but not enough. Energy Enhancement is more!
Watch the video to get the facts and understand the Satanic Psyop.
Tucker Carlson talks to Ice Cube about not taking the deathvaxx
Trump Indicted for Jan 6, Meat and Dairy Banned and poisoned, Rice Famine, 2 Billion people will Die
Fake Bluebeam UFOs Democratic Homeland Security to Arrest Conservatives for Populist Ideas! Welcome to the NWO!
Trump Indicted for Jan 6, Meat and Dairy Banned and poisoned, Rice Famine, 2 Billion people will Die.
Sam Bankman Fried who was laundering billions of dollars from Zelensky in the Ukraine back to Politicians in the Democrat Party - President Biden - has been freed.
Hunter Biden who was taking millions from Ukraine and the Chinese CCP and giving 10% to his daddy, Has been given immunity from prosectution.
President Biden is going to retire with fake altsheimers..
The United Nation 2030 plan says 90% reduction in population by 2030.
The deathvaxx will kill billions over the next 7 years.
The 50% reduction in nitrogen Fertilizer production will kill billions through starvation too.
The 2030 plan to poison the cattle with nanotech and ban meat and dairy and eat bugs instead will kill billions.
The 2030 plan to allow only three new items of clothing per year and no travel from your 15 minute cities is abject poverty for everyone.
The CBDC plan for digital currency and De-banking those who have low social credit scores like Nigel Farrage will kill millions.
You will have nothing.
And you won't be happy.
Because you will be dead!
Unless we can change that future NOW!
Fake Bluebeam UFOs Democratic Homeland Security to Arrest Conservatives for Populist Ideas! Welcome to the NWO! 27th July 2023
Deep State Triggers Hunter Arrest, Impeachment of Biden, DeBanking, Deathvaxx, Fake UFOs 26th July 2
Deep State Triggers Hunter Arrest, Impeachment of Biden, DeBanking, Deathvaxx, Fake UFOs 26th July 2023
DeBanking starts -social credit score, digital currency, reducing banning meat and dairy, bugs!
Deathvaxx Heart Attacks kill 100s of atheletes
Elon Musk says its the Deathvaxx LeBron James Son Suffers Heart Attack on Basketball Court After Ta
Elon Musk says its the Deathvaxx LeBron James Son Suffers Heart Attack on Basketball Court After Taking Experimental Death Shot! 25th July 2023
Dr Mercola
G Edward Griffin
Transhumanist Globalists Flooding Internet With AI to Justify Enforcement of Digital ID for Everyone
Transhumanist Globalists Flooding Internet With AI to Justify Enforcement of Digital ID for Everyone 24th July 2023
The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Plan for depopulation happening now has been planned for 200 years and is now coming to fruition through the totally bought, unelected Fabian Socialists, Tavistock Stanford Institutes, United Nations, WHO, European Commission, CFR, Bilderburg, BIS.
The Alexander Soros Stop Having Kids Project
Noah Yuval Harari Sterilise take Drugs Play Video Games, Die! Die!
Noah Yuval Harari says the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Cabal does not exist! Well, He would...
Edward Dowd Explosion of Deaths from the Deathvaxx statistics. We have been killed. We are about to be distracted from that by Economic Collapse. War with Ukraine. War with China. Just to keep your eyes off the Genocide, Post Human World.
Transgender Kids commit Suicide!