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Andrew Tate PBD EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Jail Life BBC Reaction Matrix Religion Future Plans
Andrew Tate on the discipline and hard work necessary to become a man in this competitive world.
I like his exposition of discpline and hard work expounded in the Interview of Andrew tate with Tucker Carlson at minute...
Have respect for yourself and weight train to look good and feel totally energised. Actualise the superpower of speaking and selling and persuading. Do not complain ever. Man up and overcome everything sent against you. You have to overcome the shit to be the shit. You do not have time to be depressed. Master your emotions and do!
I do not agree with the theories of psychologists as these theories were imagined by a pedophile, Freud, who hid the pedophilia of fathers and mothers on their children by calling the results hysteria then performing hysterectomies and lobotomies on the victims to hide the offence.
I will overcome every psychological weakness by myself!
However your core energy rather than peripheral energy in arms and legs is more increased by Agnisar Kriya, Yoga, Pranayama and Energy Enhancement Meditation.
Meditation to create superpowers of Chi and psychic powers talked about in every meditation book including the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali also transmute negative situations and emotions.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Satchidanand Book One, Sutra One - Here are complete Instructions on Enlightenment...
For example at this minute in the video Andrew Tate mentions that since the police raided his house at 5am in the morning he continuously wakes up before 5am.
And at this minute in the video the guy continuously asks Andrew how to overcome heartbreak which still affects him after being dumped many years ago.
These experiences are normal and create bblockages in the mind which must be overcome and can only be overcome with Energy Enhancement Meditation.
These psychic blockages associated with negative emotions can be transmuted and removed from the mind by the Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process.
As well as negative experiences from this lifetime which affect our daily performance in a competitive world the Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process is used on all our previous lifetimes in the the Energy Enhancement Meditation Karma Cleaning Process to totally clean the Augean Stables.
One of the twelve labours of Hercules the Augean Stables were cleaned by Hercules by aiming, moving the course of a river through the stables to clean not just one piece of shit, but all the shit because to be the shit in this competitive world, you have to overcome all the shit, to clean all the shit.
It is not enough just to overcome the worldly opposition. The real competition in this world is against yourself. You are the only one who limits yourself and the 5000 years old practises of Meditation are designed more than any other practises requiring discipline and hard work to remove all limits and gain full access to the energies of God.
After you have got all the women. After you have the car, palace, yacht, private jet, What next?
Energy Enhancement Meditation provides the answer.
To master the video game of life you have to overcome All the opposition by obtaining super psychic powers and removing your ego, Opening your Heart of Christ in order to help all people and become enlightened.
Whois the happiest person? He who makes everyone around him happy.
Tommy Robinson On Andrew Tate Matrix Attack, Cancellation, No Free Speech In UK, Prison & MORE!
All Media is bought and paid for by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires.
All Fortune 500 and 100 International Companies bought and paid for by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires..
All extremists, Al Qaeda, Azov Battalion, ISIS, BLM, etc.are created by the Satanic Phoenician Security Services, MI6, CIA.
All Wars WW1, WW2, WW3, are similarly created by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires...
The Future is Planned Jay Dyer Exposes the Globalist Plan for Humanity
For over 200 years these power structures set up by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds and Black Nobility set up Cecil Rhodes, CFR, Bilderburg, WEF, Fortune 500, Fabian Socialist, HG Wells, Kissinger, Brezinsky to create a living plan to control humanity with Supra National non democratic control structures like the United Nations and WHO, controlling AI, brain chips, social credit score, digital currency.
One Party Dictatorship Plan to Outlaw Republican Party, Arrest Trump Political Opposition by Deep St
A One Party Dictatorship... Plan to Outlaw Republican Party, Arrest Trump Political Opposition by Deep State Dems 19th July 2023
Tucker Carlson interviews Andrew Tate - ep9 11th July 2023
Trump Announces His IMMINENT Arrest In Jan 6 Deep State Witch Hunt ALEX JONES 18th July 2023 •
Trump Warns USA Now Under Globalist Dictatorship, WW3 - ALEX JONES Monday 17th July 2023
EU Parliament against Satanic Phoenician Trillionaire controlled WHO - You want a Fight, You Got One!
ESGs retired, now its SDGs - Satanic Phoenician Trillionaire controlled WEF now merged with the Satanic Phoenician Trillionaire controlled United Nations and its Social Development Goals leading on to the Social Credit Scores controlled by an AI supercomputer called the Beast in the International Bank of Settlements controlling the Digital Money and who gets it..
Digital Money will be given to those who submit.
If you get sterilised.
If you cut off your penis.
If you agree to commit government controlled suicide in 5 years like in Canada.
Tommy Vext - Bad Wolves - Zombie
Tommy Vext and Hi Rez - Big Brother
Dr. Rima Laibow Exposes Next Phase Of The Global United Nations now joined with Rothschild Klaus Schwab's WEF - Depopulation Plan
FULL SHOW 14th July 2023 – Top Scientist Confirm COVID Vaccine Full of Cancer Viruses as World Awake
FULL SHOW 14th July 2023 – Top Scientist Confirm COVID Vaccine Full of Cancer Viruses as World Awakens to Globalist Depopulation Agenda
SENSATIONAL! Top Globalist Banker Admits 'Absolute Control' to be Excercised with Digital Currency
Alex Jones Right Again! UN Says Aspartame Can Kill You!
WATCH IT NOW! Short Documentary Exposes the Secret of the Transgender Cult and Their Plan to Conquer Humanity
We are Watching the Death of the Green Cult: John Kerry Caught Lying About Private Jet
Dr. Peter McCullough Issues Detox Protolcol to remove Vaccine Poison Spike Protein from the body. Nattokinase 2000 units 2x per day, Bromolene 500mg per day, Curcumin 500mg 2x per day. Emergency Warning! Cancer Virus Found in Covid. Death Vaccine responsible for 74% of all deaths.
NATO Turns on Zelensky as Russia Begins to Secure Victory, Ray Epps Indictment Announced & More! TUNE IN! – THURSDAY 13th July 2023
Leftist Fact Checkers Shut Down by Their Own Words
Originator of Reporting on Ray Epps is Prepared to Face Weak Defamation Lawsuits
Dr. Rima Laibow: Globalists Targeting Sex Trafficked Children for Trauma Based Mind Control creating childinsh compliant subpersonalities
Learn Why Ray Epps Blames Tucker Carlson for Pending Charges Over Jan 6th Protest
VIDEO: California Lawmakers Strike Down Bill Targeting Child Traffickers
Zeee Deathvaxx terrahertz 6 and 7g Satellite Technology Behind Mind Control, IoB, Hacking Humans EXP
Zeee Deathvaxx terrahertz 6 and 7g Satellite Technology Behind Mind Control, IoB, Hacking Humans EXPOSED
Zelensky Attacks NATO, Demands Total War with Russia, Federal Judge Upholds Ban on Biden Censoring A
Zelensky Attacks NATO, Demands Total War with Russia, Federal Judge Upholds Ban on Biden Censoring Americans AND MORE! – FULL SHOW 12th July 2023
Corruption of FBI exposed in Congress
Pedo Biden imports millions of children for sex and organ trafficking.
Sound of Freedom against Sex Trafficking top of charts
Liars CNN Mainstream Media say Sex Trafficking does not exist.
Deathvaxx exposed - 46% increase in deaths, 74% of deaths because of deathvaxx.
Millions genocided because of Deathvaxx.
Nuremburg 2 trials announced.
Millions of Children Trafficked Yearly, Sound of Freedom - Trafficking run from the CIA and DOJ Remo
The USA Government is totally PEDO at the top
Millions of Children Trafficked Yearly, 60% killed and used for snuff movies - Sound of Freedom Movie - Trafficking run from the CIA and DOJ - the Jeffry Eppstein people - Removes ‘International Sex Trafficking of Minors’ From DOJ Website – Alex Jones Reveals TRUTH on Evils of Deep State - FULL SHOW 11th July 2023
Sound of Freedom Movie attacked by Corporate Media saying its not true.
74% of deaths connected to covid shots!
Major Countries Flee to Gold as Globalist Puppet Biden Sabotages Dollar, Sets Stage for Digital Curr
Major Countries Flee to Gold as Globalist Puppet Biden Sabotages Dollar, Sets Stage for Digital Currency - FULL SHOW 71023
Alex talks about the power of God, about how we should attack and destroy robots and about the scene in they live where Roddy Piper forces the black guy to put on the sunglasses as a metaphor for red pilling someone and how cluster bombs presage the clusterfuck of F16's, long range rockets to hit Moscow and nuclear weapons.
World War 3 Watch DoD Scrambles to Secure Rare Earth Metals Against China as NATO Vows Ukraine Membe
World War 3 Watch DoD Scrambles to Secure Rare Earth Metals Against China as NATO Vows Ukraine Membership – Tune In NOW to Learn What Comes Next! – FRIDAY 7th July
The Great Awakening!
Last hour Jay Dyer exposes the Rockefeller/Brezensky plann to super power china to take down the USA
David Icke Talks God, Demons and the End of the World – THURSDAY 07 June 2023
The whole Satanic Structure of World Satanism Exposed!
Gen. McInerney Issues URGENT Warning: France Riots are Blueprint for US.
The "Rivers of Blood" speech was made by British Member of Parliament (MP) Enoch Powell on 20 April 1968 - Enoch Powell predicts the invasion of Europe by Immigrants and this prediction came to pass in Rome by the IMMIGRANT Goths when they sacked Rome in 410AD and the Replacement Migration Program of the Rothschild Controlled United Nations World Government is intended to bring in The Rothschild Klaus Schwab Great Reset by 600 million immigrants into the USA. 300 million migrants into Europe. That's the Replacement Migration Program plan!
nwo EU-Backed Anti-White Race Riots Designed To Plunge Europe Into Permanent Martial Law – MONDAY FU
nwo EU-Backed Anti-White Race Riots Designed To Plunge Europe Into Permanent Martial Law – MONDAY FULL SHOW July 03 2023
Rothschild created EU-Backed Anti-White Race Riots Designed To Plunge Europe Into Permanent Martial Law
Europe Falling To Rothschild controlled United Nations Replacement Migration Violent Islamic Invasio
Europe Falling To Rothschild controlled United Nations Replacement Migration Violent Islamic Invasion Plan
Jay Dyer and Jamie Hanshaw of guest host The Alex Jones Show to break down the history of the rise of witchcraft.
Witches have always been implanted with the Lillith Demon associated with the Abortion Sacrifice and cannibalisation of the foetus, the Lillith succubus seduction sexual addiction implant, living alone with cats.
The Target Company symbol is the sun but also the Sodomy ritual anus... of Aleister Crowley OTO and all new age religions.
Rothschilds Rule - Trump and JFK Jr are friends, Biden Proven Corrupt, Vaccine Deathshots June 30 20
Roseanne Barr Breaks Silence - the Luciferian Sabatean Frankist Rothschilds Rule - they are the Sons of Cain who cannibalised Abel - Cainabels - irredeemable vessels for demons.
Trump and JFK Jr are friends, Biden Proven Corrupt, Vaccine Deathshots June 30 2023
Jay Dyer and Jamie Hanshaw of guest host The Alex Jones Show to break down the history of the rise of witchcraft.
Witches have always been implanted with the Lillith Demon associated with the Abortion Sacrifice and cannibalisation of the foetus, the Lillith succubus seduction sexual addiction implant, living alone with cats.
The Target Company symbol is the sun but also the Sodomy ritual anus... of Aleister Crowley OTO and all new age religions.
NIGHTMARE BOMBSHELL - Group of Top European Scientists Have Confirmed Pfizer Covid Vaccine was a Bio
NIGHTMARE BOMBSHELL - Group of Top European Scientists Have Confirmed Pfizer Covid Vaccine was a Biological Weapon designed to kill you – THURSDAY FULL SHOW June 29 2023
Researchers have discovered that 5% - to 25% depending on the politics of the region, of the Pfizer vaxxes administered to the unsuspecting population in Europe and the USA may have been Kill Shots!
Scientists have uncovered startling evidence that a substantial portion of the batches of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine deployed in the European Union may in fact have consisted of placebos – and that the German regulator knew this and did not subject them to quality-control testing.
The scientists, Dr. Gerald Dyker, Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Ruhr University Bochum, and Dr. Jörg Matysik, Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Leipzig, are part of a group of five German-speaking scientists who have been publicly raising questions about the quality and safety of the BioNTech vaccine (as it is known in Germany) for the last year and a half…
On Dyker’s calculation, the blue Kill Shots represent less than 5% of the total number of doses included in the Danish study. Nonetheless, they are associated with nearly 50% of the 579 deaths recorded in the sample.
Finally, we have the ‘yellow batches’ clustered around the yellow line, which, as can be seen above, barely gets off the x-axis. On Dyker’s calculation, the yellow batches represent around 30% of the total. Dyker notes that they include batches comprising some 200,000 administered doses which are associated with literally zero suspected adverse events.
The other 65% is a Kill Shot which kills more slowly - cancer, mad cow disease, sterilisation.
United Nations new vaccine mandates and lockdowns and pesticide induced sterilisation population col
A new Lab created virus is coming... United Nations new vaccine mandates and lockdowns and pesticide induced sterilisation population collapse TUESDAY FULL SHOW June28 2023
Rothschild 20 Trillion Dollar BlackRock Recruiter Admits They Create Wars for Profit, Run The World and Buy Out Bribe Politicians - James O Keefe
Secret Justice Dept. Plot to FRAME Trump, Jones, Stone Exposed! – 06/22/23
Drew Hernandez Exposes the Light That Will Bring Humanity Out of the Darkness
Alex Jones Visits Florida Preacher Who First Predicted the Great Awakening
See 100% Proof that Jim Caviezel is Right About Adrenochrome
Europe Moves to Ban Trans Industrial Complex's Targeting of Children
Secret Plan to Indict Donald Trump, Alex Jones & Roger Stone Leaked to WAPO
VIDEO: BlackRock Recruiter Admits They ‘Run The World’ & Buy Out Politicians
Alex Jones Challenges Rand Paul To Come Out Against The COVID Death Shot
Roseanne Barr: Our Government Was Overthrown With The Assassination Of Kennedy
VIDEO: Blinken Pledges Allegiance To Xi Jinping In Latest Visit To China
FLASHBACK: Biden Jails Drug Offenders For Years As Crackhead Son Walks Free
Globalists Set Stage For Cashless Dystopia With Full-Spectrum Surveillance as Deep State Scrambles t
Globalists Set Stage For Cashless Dystopia With Full-Spectrum Surveillance as Deep State Scrambles to Bury Truth on Deadly Covid Jabs - FULL SHOW June 21 2023
SLAP ON THE WRIST Hunter Charged With Misdemeanors To Protect The Big Guy While UN Announces Cashles
SLAP ON THE WRIST Hunter Charged With Misdemeanors To Protect The Big Guy While UN Announces Cashless Society - FULL SHOW June 20 2023
Globalists Dealt Devastating Defeat COVID Tyranny Narrative Completely Collapses NWO In Free Fall - FULL SHOW June 19 2023
The Great Awakening is Here! accelerating as cultures from all over the world unite to push back aga
The Great Awakening is Here! accelerating as cultures from all over the world unite to push back against the tyrannical anti-human New World Order agenda FULL SHOW June 18 2023
JFK Jr Autism caused by vaxxines. Marc Dice - Alex Jones was right the elite consciously put chemicals in the water to cause gender disphoria - the solution - testosterone! Tucker Carlsen Biden is a dicktater.
Steve Pieczenik LIVE on Truth Frequency Radio [3-28-16] 360p
False Flags, deception, lying, psyops, are the techniques of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires which created the American Empire
Is the World Ending, or Being Reborn Gavin McInnes in-studio MUST WATCH – June 16 2023
Millions of traffiked Border babies and children are put into the hands of sex traffikers and pedophiles, chained up, raped, tortured and murdered then dissolved in barrels of acid!
Or indentured in sweatshops, 50% of wages and welfare skimmed off to democrat functionaries. If they complain they are deported or beaten and murdered.
All this sex traffiking was started under Obama. Trump stopped it. Then continued 10x worse under Biden.
Transhumanist Nightmare WEF Officially Announces “God-Like Powers” Pledges CYBORG RULE by 2045! – THURSDAY FULL SHOW June 15 2023
Tucker Carlson is Biden a Wannabe Dictator - No Way
President Trump Being Arraigned in Miami! ALEX SOROS AND BILL GATES ARE DEMONS MONDAY FULL SHOW JUNE 12 2023
Americans Endure Naked Corruption of DOJ Against Trump – Alex Jones Reveals What to Expect Next– WED
Americans Endure Naked Corruption of DOJ Against Trump – Alex Jones Reveals What to Expect Next– WEDNESDAY FULL SHOW June 14 2023
EMERGENCY BROADCAST: Globalists Accelerate World Government Push as Trump & RFK Jr. Surge in Polls – TUESDAY FULL SHOW 06/06/23
The Great Awakening: Full Documentary
The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in the USA and around the world. The Great Awakening is intended to be a lighthouse to guide us out of the current darkness and into a bright future. Psst. Pass it on!
Plandemic: The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid-19
Plandemic 2 - Indoctornation - The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid-19
Mikki Willis the director of the Great Awakening Movie talks about its Premier
Plandemic: The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid-19 and Plandemic: Indoctornation are 2020 videos and films, respectively. Both were produced by Mikki Willis and promote information about the COVID-19 pandemic. They feature Dr Judy Mikovits, an American researcher who exposed Fauchi and his work on Aids which killed millions of people prior to doing the same with covid and the Deathvaxx. The first video features Willis and Dr Mikovits discussing viruses in general and Dr Mikovits herself.Three months after its Internet release, Indoctornation, which includes more interviewees, was released.
Upon its release, the first video went viral, becoming one of the most widespread pieces of COVID-19 information, its popularity most attributed to online word-of-mouth. It was quickly censored by multiple online platforms, but this failed to stop its proliferation, and it might still be spreading secretly through various platforms. It had also contributed to the increasing rebellion against health protocols.
Due to social media companies' preparedness for its release, Plandemic: Indoctornation received less attention through better censorship.
A third film, Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening, is set for release on June 3, 2023.
I was watching the movie and it's good, but it does not go deep enough. It says the origen of the problem is communism, but if you read my first volume of Against Satanism, we find there that communism was created by British Security Services like MI6! controlled in the British Empire by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds.
Karl Marx and his wife came from the Satanic Phoenician Mega-Trillionaire Aristocracy and as such he was never wanting for money. He simply worked for the Rothschilds as they were his family. From his Office in the British National Library in London wrote Das Capital from the notes of his handler, Ambassador Urquhart. Communism was created to collectivise and take over the world by the Satanic Phoenician Mega-Trillionaire Aristocracy. The good ideals of communism sell communism to the people, then a totalitarian dictator takes control of the revolution.
For Example, Mao was a Yali, trained by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Yale University where the Skull and Bones sodomy ritual society was founded. He was surrounded by CIA advisors from Yale University. He was a 33rd degree Sodomy Ritual Freemason. He was totally Totallitarian responsible for the deaths of 100 million people!
Secondly Mass Formation Psychosis Hypnotism comes from the power structure of Blackmailed pedophile Sodomites who use Sodomy Rituals in secret societies like the 33rd degree Freemasons, Jesuits, Aleister Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis OTO, Bohemian Grove.
The Great Awakening Is Here! Dr. Judy Mikovits & Author Kent Heckenlively Join Alex Jones Live In-Studio — 06/04/2023
Alex Jones covers the insanity across the board as Chinese warship tries to ram U.S. destroyer, the Russia-Ukraine proxy war explodes to a new level, more bank runs accelerate as major banks default, and real estate prices plunge as globalists battle to destroy the cows, destroy the farms, collapse world economy -- tune in!
CHINAS GENE EDITED SUPERSOLDIERS! - AI Kills Drone Operator! - Transhumanism IS HERE!
Mikki Willis the director of the Great Awakening Movie talks about its Premier
Plandemic: The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid-19 and Plandemic: Indoctornation are 2020 videos and films, respectively. Both were produced by Mikki Willis and promote information about the COVID-19 pandemic. They feature Dr Judy Mikovits, an American researcher who exposed Fauchi and his work on Aids which killed millions of people prior to doing the same with covid and the Deathvaxx. The first video features Willis and Dr Mikovits discussing viruses in general and Dr Mikovits herself.Three months after its Internet release, Indoctornation, which includes more interviewees, was released.
Upon its release, the first video went viral, becoming one of the most widespread pieces of COVID-19 information, its popularity most attributed to online word-of-mouth. It was quickly censored by multiple online platforms, but this failed to stop its proliferation, and it might still be spreading secretly through various platforms. It had also contributed to the increasing rebellion against health protocols.
Due to social media companies' preparedness for its release, Plandemic: Indoctornation received less attention through better censorship.
A third film, Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening, is set for release on June 3, 2023.
Mikki Willis the director of the Great Awakening Movie talks about its Premier
Plandemic: The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid-19 and Plandemic: Indoctornation are 2020 videos and films, respectively. Both were produced by Mikki Willis and promote information about the COVID-19 pandemic. They feature Dr Judy Mikovits, an American researcher who exposed Fauchi and his work on Aids which killed millions of people prior to doing the same with covid and the Deathvaxx. The first video features Willis and Dr Mikovits discussing viruses in general and Dr Mikovits herself.Three months after its Internet release, Indoctornation, which includes more interviewees, was released.
Upon its release, the first video went viral, becoming one of the most widespread pieces of COVID-19 information, its popularity most attributed to online word-of-mouth. It was quickly censored by multiple online platforms, but this failed to stop its proliferation, and it might still be spreading secretly through various platforms. It had also contributed to the increasing rebellion against health protocols.
Due to social media companies' preparedness for its release, Plandemic: Indoctornation received less attention through better censorship.
A third film, Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening, is set for release on June 3, 2023.
Biden Recession Watch Foreign-Born Workers Dominate New Jobs as Americans’ Savings PLUNGE
Uniparty Swamp Claims Major Victory as The Billionaire Bunkers - Debt Ceiling Bill Passes in the Hou
Uniparty Swamp Claims Major Victory as Debt Ceiling Bill Passes in the House – Americans Brace for Worthless Dollar and digital currencies – TUESDAY FULL SHOW 06 June 2023
20 Billionaire Bunkers in Hawaii protected by mercenaries, drones and automated machine guns.
Globalists Set Stage for False Flags Against Power Grids as Americans Endure Collapsing Dollar & Food Supply – TUESDAY FULL SHOW May 31 2023 EMERGENCY BROADCAST
John Kerry declares war against food. Food worldwide increases global warming by 0.5% therefore we must destroy farming worldwide!!!
Mikki Willis the director of the free Great Awakening Movie talks about its Premier
New World Order Announced Plan To Bring Down US Power Grid And Blame Conservatives - May30 2023
Alex Jones lays out the globalists' plan to collapse the power grid and bring Americans under their complete control. This sudden loss of electricity across the country will be strategically blamed on individuals and organizations considered right wing or conservative in alliance with the Russians. Any person saying the election was stolen will be labelled a terrorist and sent to the camps. The mainstream media has already preprogrammed the population. Now americans will inform on their friends. Sons and daughters inform on their parents.... Maria Zee hosts the final hour of the show. FULL SHOW - MUST WATCH
See the Video of Ex UN Executive Director Exposes Child Trafficking of Globalist Elite - The Alex Jones Show In a shocking revelation, former executive director of the United Nations Global Sustainable Index Institute Calin Georgescu exposed how oligarchs who control the world are tied to the scores of children who go missing each year with no trace.
Dr. David Martin Exposing COVID as a Biological Warfare Crime In a groundbreaking speech delivered at the International Covid Summit III held in the European Parliament in Brussels earlier this month, M•CAM asset management company founder and chairman David Martin shed light on the timeline of the origins, and deadly, murderous, eugenic, intentions, behind Covid-19 and the mRNA vaccine.
Truly EPIC! The best Liars Compilation EVER. Watch and See!
Drew Hernandez Exposes Historic Border Crisis Government Replacement Migration 600 million man invasion of USA
Drew Hernandez Exposes Globalist Plans for United Nations Word Government Replacement Migration
United Nations Strategic Demolition of American Sovereignty
Drew Hernandez Exposes Globalist Plans for United Nations World Government Replacement Migration
By 2035...
600 million man invasion of USA
Drew Hernandez of guest hosts The Alex Jones Show to break down the strategic demolition of American sovereignty through open borders and mass migration. Instal evil, cultural marxism, Hollywierd Propaganda, subversion, psyops, pedophiles, child molesters, censorship, hatespeech, indoctrination by demons and satan, New World Order, Globalism, White supemacist, patriots,
Learn How the British Coronation is Mind Control
Jay Dyer of guest hosts The Alex Jones Show to expose how the British Coronation is mind control.
The British Crown East India Company was the International Company template. WW1 was to bring in World government through the League of Nations. WW2 was the same to bring in the United Nations World Government. To destroy the sovereignty of all nations as with Agenda 2030 and the Pandemic treaty.
The secret funding of Lenin, Trotsky, Hitler, and Stalin was the template of Colour revolutions Worldwide.
Historic Border Crisis Spirals to Point of No Return – MUST WATCH FULL ALEX JONES THURSDAY BROADCAST May-11-23
Top level PHD US Army Psychological Warfare Officer and Trump advisor whistleblows Biden corruption,
Top level PHD US Army Psychological Warfare Officer and Trump advisor follows the 20 year old Pieczenik line that the USA will be managed to split into two parts.
Alex Jones is a Pieczenik creation.
He reports on everything Alex Jones has been saying... Christian, guns, freedom, Obama 3rd term, FTX money laundering, Biden corruption, Jan 6th government terrorism, Deathvaxx, Ukraine Bioweapon Labs, and Issues Emergency Border Collapse Warning.
He says he warned Trump of Government interference before Jan 6th and advised 10,000 troops to prevent it.
Trump did nothing. Trump never crossed the Rubicon... Because it was not possible to do anything legally.
So, problem, reaction, solution...
All to create a poor America from California, New York, all the sanctuary cities where immigrants on slave wages will compete against China.
And a rich America, New Orleans, Florida, Texas...
Biden Admin Using Drug Cartel Terror Attacks to Disarm Americans as Southern Border Collapses - FULL
Walter Veith - all actors and singers are Satanic Sodomy ritual 33rd degree freemasons
Hollyweird ties to Freemasonry - And all the actors were high masons. You take those early actors, Frank Sinatra, all of those that were involved in those movies, John Wayne, they were all Satanic Sodomy Ritual 33° freemasons. And if you follow it down through the line to this very day, most of the actors, I would say the great majority, if not all of the major actors are all high places. All the singers, all of them.
Jay Dyer Globalists Plan To Use Pharmaceutical Drugs For Mass Social Engineering
Aldous Huxley Doors of Perception, MKULTRA, LSD, Hallucinogenic Mayan Social Control Structures.
Skull and Bones founded by Drug Runners of Opium to China.
5 billion vaccinated worldwide, and many are dying suddenly. Is this the greatest orchestrated die-off genocide in the history of the world?
Healthy adults are dropping dead all across the globe, 40% more in every country than before the Deathvaxx.
In the last 18 months, the term "Died Suddenly" has risen to the very top of "most searched" Google terms. Now, the award-winning documentary team that brought you "Watch The Water" and "These Little Ones" travels around the world to find answers, and tell the stories, of those who Died Suddenly.